Something i need to adress. //Vent-ish?

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( Quick edit : Ik people whove followed this story for a while got the notification. I posted part 4 of chap 7 but for some reason why that part is before this one.)

( Edit 2 : i reorderd the parts so part 4 should be after this story part now )

Hi. You all know me. Brookiemarshym. Well this thought has crossed my mind recently as 2 - 3 days ago and i feel like as the author. I need to share them.


Because they were thoughts related to this book. And this storys problems. As yes. The lack of knowledge on pedohillia, female to male, and keeping the story focused on the topic of yandere. There has been 2 people who adressed these issues in the long past but im not saying there names because im not here to call people out. Thats just wrong. So let me begin with the pedophilia

So if you have readed this book for a good long time you can see that in the first part if chapter 2. Sam calls red a pedophile.

This is the FIRST issue of the story. In the first page aka the introduction i adress that in this story red is 28 and you are 21.

And ive grown to realize that i got the defention of pedophilia absolutely wrong back then. For people who still dont have a clue what pedophilia is.

A pedophile is a grown adult that is sexually attracted to a minor ( under 18 ) person and its absolutely disgusting and wrong.

But thats not really the Worst thing or biggest issue in this book. I think the bigger issue then misleading readers on the definition of pedophilia. I think a bigger issue is The misrepresentation on female to male people. Yes we are going to talk about Sam.

So in the first chapter i made a sidenote adressing that sam is transgender. In the later parts of this story. I misrepresent my own character, and trans people. And i agree with the person that had said i dont understand trans people. I didn't show trans people correctly. ( Female to Male people ) and i dont know anything i can say about that but let me honest. They are correct.

Now heres the 3rd problem which is the biggest issue of this story. Staying focused on the subject yandere. Now this is definitely what everyone came to read. Bloody sexual abuse content. Which is why my story is rated mature. But heres what makes the issue. Its not really yandere. I try to show red be angry about y/n ( you ) trying to escape and other characters trying to rescue you. And belive me when i say this. But i was planning for red to get VERY violent. Specifically with sam because in this story. Sam is seen as a threat by red and tries to order the rainbow friends to do his murder & dirty work. Basically to get rid of him. Well let me honest. It just falls off from the subject and does not make sense. If this is isnt really a yandere story whys it in the title? Because i tried my best to make it yandere and enjoyable for everyone. I miswrite yandere as well.

And there are other issues in this story that just make it lack " great story " because in one of the most recent chapters i try to represnt orange with an eating disorder and i didnt write that well either. ( i feel like somethings wrong with me honestly )

So heres what im thinking. I know ive said so many times this wont happen but it might have to but temporarily. Im discontinuing the story. If i cant write or represent things correctly i dont think i can handle writing this book. And im sorry if it looks like im being dramatic. But I just feel like im not ready for stuff and topics like this. ( Murder definitely though lol. To make light of things ) and i dont even update this story weekly. Its really ounce every month or 2 - 3.

Maybe ill let someone take over this book and rewrite it. Or one day when i am ready or think i am. I can write storys properly with proper and good representation on eating disorders, ftm, yandere, ect.

Im really sorry to people who expected things from me and i failed to meet expectations.

But if it makes anyone feel better i have been writing and working on something that is related to a different roblox game ( Flicker :0 ) its not really a story but it does explain one and give out information on what happens in it. Kinda like an informational guide or a " everything you need to know " type of thing

I call the au Flicker : die or survive if that seems interesting enough i definitely will post it on wattpad.

I just needed to get these thoughts off my chest as theyve been bugging me. So sadly this story is being discontinued. I probaly will return to finish it one day.

Sincerely, Brookiemarshym.

Your yandre lover~ ( Rainbow friends red x y/n ) X×DISCONTINUED×X Where stories live. Discover now