Chapter 3. Shopping

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Blitz0 Pov: "R really?" I ask. "Yes you can." Stolas says. " T thank you stolas." I say. "Your welcome my Blitzy." He says.

St0las Pov: "Now lets get you dressed then we can leave to the store." I say.     "O okay" Blitzy says. I pick him up and walk to the washroom. " H hey put me down! Stolasss!" He whines. "You said you wanted to be a baby so babys are either carryed or they cralw, would you like to cralw?" I ask. " N no." He answers.  "Thats what I thought." I say. "Now lets get you undressed." I say.

Blitz0 Pov: "Now let me undress you." Stolas says. " F fine." I say as he starts to undress me. "There we go now lets get you into the bath." He says. " A alright." I say back.

St0las Pov: I put Blitzy in the bath when I see his face in aww of all the bubbles and bath toys. " Does my baby like the bubbles and bath toys I have prepared for you?" I ask. " Y yes thank you" He says.

         Time skip to when their at the store.

Blitz0 Pov: Stolas put me in those carryer things for toddlers the ones in the shopping carts. I then saw what isle we were going down it was a diaer isle! I suppose wearing diapers would stop my bedwetting. " Blitzy which one do you want?" Stolas askes me. I stop my thoughts to look at all the patterns on the diapers, when I saw a horse pattern! " C can I has that one." I say pointing to the horse one. " I knew you were going to pick that one." Stolas says chuckling. He grabs a pack and puts it in the cart. He also grabbed some unicorn ones and puts it in the cart.

St0las: After the diaper isle we went to the pacifier isle. "Which ones do you like Blitzy you can pick four?" I ask. He points to a dinosuer one, a horse one, a unicorn one, and a one that says my baby on the ring with a horse and a baby bottle hanging from the ring. I then put them in the cart.

Blitz0 Pov: We then got a bunch of things  like baby dishes, bibs, stuffed animals, toys, coloring books, baby powder, baby wipes, and clothes.

My Baby Blitzoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن