sex scene with between Florian Munteanu and Madeline Martin.

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A/N: This story continues of a sex scene between Florian Munteanu and Madeline Martin and this is a smuts so please do not report me thank you so much and I hope you will enjoy this story and Florian Munteanu Ring Name: " The Big Nasty" is trying to impress his secretary of his business at his Private Training Building and his bestie and so let's see 👀 on what happens next.

Florian Munteanu POV:

Wakesup and gets up and goes to the bathroom and takes off his clothes and walks to the shower and turns on the shower and gets in and wash his body and hair and raise off his body and hair and turns off the shower and gets out of the shower and grabs a towel and drys off and wraps the towel around his waist and walks out of the bathroom and walks to his dresser and drops his towel and puts on his brifes and shorts and tank top and shorts and saddles on his feet and grabs his wallet and car keys and duffle bag and puts on his watch and grabs his sunglasses and walks downstairs and walks into the kitchen and cook his breakfast and finish making breakfast and eats breakfast and drinks his coffee and finish his breakfast and grabs his stuff and walks to the front door of his room at the apartment and unlocks it and opens it and walks out and locks and close the front door of his apartment and goes downstairs and walks to door of the entire apartment and opens it and walks outside and close the door and walks to his car and locks and opens the door and gets in and close and locks his car and puts his stuff down in his car and puts his key in and starts his car and drives off to his private training building and he arrives at his Private Training Building and parks his car and turns off the engine and unlocks his car and takes out the keys and grabs his stuff and opens the door and gets out of his car and close and locks his car and walks inside his private training building and see LaNyce Levesque at the front desk and says.

" wow you dye your hair red and wow you look hot 🔥 🥵 😍 and are you trying to turn me on or are you making my d get hard oh come on beautiful I know you are and you can not hide that from me and you know it" as Florian said. 😉

Florian Munteanu workout outfit.

LaNyce Levesque new red hair and new dress

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LaNyce Levesque new red hair and new dress.

LaNyce Levesque new red hair and new dress

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