Christina Helmsley telling two men she is pregnant with another man baby.

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A/N: let's see 👀 if the both men LaNyce Levesque Ring Name: Christina Helmsley works with Florian Munteanu Ring Name: "The Big Nasty" and Joe Anoa'i Ring Name: Roman Reigns the men she in love with and she to scare to tell them that she pregnant with another man baby and that man that she carring his baby is her Ex=Boyfriend: Joséph Rodriguez Chucuan Ring Name: Alberto El Patrón and not even Alberto knows about it either and let's see what there action going to be.

Christina wakesup up and not feeling any good and calls for the nurse to come into the room.

" yes ma'am do you need anything?" as Nurse said.

" yes I don't feel good I think I need to go to the bathroom and throw up please" as Christina said.

Nurse helps Christina Helmsley up from her hospital bed and brings her into the bathroom and Christina ends up throwing up and wipes her mouth and puts the toilet paper into the toilet and flush it and gets help up from the Nurse and nurse brings Christina to the sink and she raise her mouth and brush her teeth and raise her face and drinks some water and goes back to her hospital room and her hospital bed and Christina Helmsley lays in bed crying.

Nurse helps Christina Helmsley up from her hospital bed and brings her into the bathroom and Christina ends up throwing up and wipes her mouth and puts the toilet paper into the toilet and flush it and gets help up from the Nurse and nurse brings ...

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Christina took two different pregnancy tests and they both came out postive.

Nurse sends a call to Roman Reigns and Florian Munteanu and Alberto El Patrón also

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Nurse sends a call to Roman Reigns and Florian Munteanu and Alberto El Patrón also.

Roman Reigns angry look.

Roman Reigns angry look

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