chapter seven

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              Bella pov

It was Sunday and I was looking for my special cooler for my viles. But when I found it I noticed it was cracked.

"Shit!" I ran into the house and set it on the island and I leaned back against the counter just glared at it.

"Oh no!" I heard my dad when he walked in the door and he stood next to me.

"What am I supposed to do dad. It takes weeks to get one of these!" I told him.

"Is that what I think it is?" We both snapped our heads up to the door to where Edward was standing.

"If you're thinking a special battery operated cooler, well yes it is and I'm screwed." I said glaring at the damn thing and kicking my foot against the cabinet.

"What do you need it for?" Not taking my eyes off the cooler I finally explain.

"Well it's to hold my viles for a injection I take twice a day so I can keep my ovaries sort of speak and a emergency vile just in case something happens to where I get hit to hard well I don't want to be hit." I explained to him.

"I actually have one of those. Not for what you're talking about though. My grandfather was a diabetic." I turned my head to look at him.

"Can I use it?" I asked him. "You can have it. I got no use for it." I ran over and gave Edward a hug.

When I realized what I did, I took a step back. "Umm, thank you." I turned around because I was embarrassed and I poured myself a cup of coffee and hid my smile behind my cup.

My dad elbow me when I heard the door close. I moved my eyes to my dad and he had a smirk on his face and I couldn't help but giggle.

"I can't believe I did that." Now it was my dad turn to laugh. "You should of saw your face. It was beat red." My dad told me.

"I was so embarrassed." I told my dad. I'm going to pack." I told him.

I went to Seth room first and grabbed his back pack that we use for camping.

I rolled up his sleeping and tied it first. Then I went and packed his clothes and set his clothes out for the morning. I tied his sleeping bag to his back pack.

After I got my back pack, packed up I went downstairs into the kitchen and froze in my track.

I had to blink at what I was seeing. I walked to the other side of the counter and looked at the cooler dumbfounded.

It was the top of the line cooler that keeps things cold. You don't need power to run. It runs on a big battery that last for three days and there was an extra batteries next to it.

"I see you found the cooler Edward went and got." I looked at my dad and my mouth was hanging open pointing at the cooler.

"It's the top of the line. Just how much is Edward Cullen well off in money. I know we are well off, but this is.." All I could do is point and my dad started laughing at me and I see the door open behind him.

Then I see Edward standing beside my dad but I'm still to dumbfounded to move. Edward just looks between me and my dad.

"Am I missing something here?" Edward asked. "This is the top of the line model. How?" My dad laughed even harder.

"What do you mean how?" Edward asked. "How the hell can your grandparents even afford this. I mean I know you said you were well off. We are well off in a way, but even I can't afford this." I even pointed both hands to the cooler.

Edward took his hat off and scratched the back of his head. "Well maybe I should of refazed that." I stood there and blinked.

"You think! Because if you think you can buy your way into our family you got another thing coming and if you are here like other people have in the past and try to buy our family property and business from us you got another thing coming. Because I will fight you tooth and nail for this." Where was all this coming from.

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