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Today was the day I find out the sex of me and treys baby I'm now 3 months pregnanti hopped out the bed and took a shower for 45 mins than got out I rapped the towl around my body than walked into the room to see trey still sleeping I grabbed my purple victourys secret bra and pantie sat I put on my under clothes than grabbed some white pants and a red shirt and my red Greg and white 13s {shoes in MM} I woke trey up to get dress than walked up a couple of stairs made lots of turns and shit before I got to Elijah's room


Elijah I'm on my way to the doctor to find out the sex of the baby

Elijah~ OK sus

I walked back down the stairs and into the kitchens and grabbed some green peppers and Carmel and ate before trey came down stairs with his keys in his hand

Trey~ you ready baby?

Me~ yes

Than we walked out the house after locking the door and got into the car


29 mins later we pulled up into the doctors office in the car we had slight conversation from time to time I sat down into the waiting room and sense we were right on time we got straight into a room I laid down onto the table while trey was sitting down in the chair lookin at the screen with the baby smiling like hell the doctor placed his gloves on than placed cold gel on my stomach and moved it around with that thingey thing thing soon the pictures of the baby started to show up on the screen and Trey smile got even bigger so did mines a tear even excaped he moved it around a little bit more before saying congratulations your having a ........ ........

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