next morning

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Next morning I woke up and got off of trey and slowly walked out of the room and downstairs trying not to wake everybody up I walked into the bathroom washed my face and brushed my teeth I coulda did that and my bathroom in my room but I ain't wanna wake up trey I hopped into the shower than got out I walked into my room into the walk in closet and got dress {out fit in MM} I woke trey up and he went into the bathroom showered and got dressed he came out whering all white and gold than I woke keke and Aug up by knocking on they door we was going out to breakfast than mall and movies they got up took care of they morning runteans while me and trey on the couch kissing each other face off 20 mins later they came down stairs and we headed out I rude with trey and keke rude with Aug we pulled up at breakfast cafae and took our seats 10 mins later the waiter came and took our orders we ordered bacelly ordered everything on the list 15 mins later the waiters came back with our food and sat it down on the tables we was smashing expacually trey after we finished eating we left and went to the mall

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