next day

55 4 2

Mimi prov....

I woke up at 8:00 cause I had to be at the doctors at 10:30 I hopped into the shower for 30 mins than brushed and washed my face an teeth than got dress in a soft purple skirt and a white crop top with my white and gold Timbs and a gold necklace with my golf Rolex that trey bought me I put some mascara and some soft purple lip stick I flat ironed my hair cause it was poofie than I curled it letting my hair fall a little above my butt I walked into April's room and got her ready I put her in the tub for 9 mins and got her dress in a soft purple dress and her white and gold timbs with her gold necklace and gold Rolex I got some chap stick because she to young to where lip stick and lip gloss and put it on her lips I packed her diper bag with dipers whipes baby formals a baby can of apple sauce and a already made bottle with her passey fire and bibs I put her in her car seat that woke trey up he went into the bathroom took care of himself as I went downstairs to cook breakfast and make April another bottle to drink now I fixed me and trey a plate of eggs bacond sausages and fruits I was having weird cravings I grabbed some peanut butter and put it on my fruits along with Some musterd and sat down and ate while trey was eating along with April drinking her milk it was now 10:00 and we headed out

*skips car ride *

We pulled up infrount of the doctors office and headed in trey grabbed April and we walked in I checked in we waited in the waiting room into the doctor called my name I got up and walked into the back room and sat down

Doctor~ what seems to be the problem ?

Me~ I think I'm pregnant I've been having weird cravings light to smells of food constantly throwing up missed 1months of my period and craving sex

I said the last park kinda low but shit when a bitvh want some dick she want some dick

Doctor~ her go pee in this cup

I got up And walked into the bathroom and begganed peeing into the cup after I finished I washed my hands and walked back into the room and sat down I handed the cup to the doctor and she walked out

Doctorn~ I'm just gonna run a few test and I'll be back with the results

I nooded and looked at trey playing with April I smiled than turned back around

20 mins later

Doctor~ congratulations just as I thought ur 3 days pregnant

She handed me some vitimans and said I was all set trey was smiling but I was and deep thought

*skips car ride *

When we got home I sat down on the couch and beggained crying how do I know who my baby daddy is I got raped around the time me and trey had sex ......

Who's the baby daddy ?

Well trey be mad ?

Boy or girl ?

Keshia and micheal?

Trey and mimi?

What happened to Aug and keke ? be continued.......


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