Chapter 6: Prelude II

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The man in red had been travelling for a long time now, he'd forgotten how long it had been but then again time hadn't mattered to him in the first place. The massacre at the pub had been a few weeks ago (at least he thought the days were in the double digits), there was a whole country between him and the scene of the crime and so he meandered without an ounce of worry. He hadn't had direction for a long time, this was nothing new, there was nothing new to him anymore. As the thought crossed his mind a kid on this moonlit street caught his eye. He couldn't be older than 19, scruffy but clean shaven, silver hair cropped close on the sides and with a half-smoked cigarrette in one hand as they leaned against the bus stop, alone. It wasn't anything physical that caught the man in red's attention, but an aura, something in the air around this teenager...The man in red had paused, staring, and this, of course, caught the kid's attention, "The fuck are you staring at huh? Like what you see or somethin'?" the kid spat with vitriol towards the stranger. The man in red cocked his head and approached, it had been some time since he felt something like this and he couldn't quite put his finger on where he'd felt it before. Another vampire? It could be but he wasn't sure. He took off his shades as he approached and locked eyes with the teenager, emerald eyes stared back. "I see... not like me after all. It's a strange place to find a wolf indeed, but then again the full moon up there doesn't seem to be causing you too much trouble." The kid crushed his cigarette and stood up straight, his muscles were clearly tensed and ready for whatever was next, "What's your game Dracula? If you wanna go back to whatever demon's asshole you crawled out of then keep talkin', if not fuck off." The man in red smirked at this, "My 'game' is getting a little dull, but you're the perfect one to shake things up, dog." he spoke as he approached the wolf, getting uncomfortably close by his final word. The wolf growled, "Whatever you say you reject succubus, but I think giving overly enthusiastic hickeys to everyone in sight has seriously destroyed your sense of personal space." The wolf threw a heavy punch that connected solidly with the vampires jaw, forcing him to stumble back a few steps. After a few seconds of shock the vampire chuckled and righted himself fully. "Well shit, I actually felt that! But I'm afraid if you want to achieve more than the catharsis you clearly need, you'll need to go full mutt," he bowed his head and extended a hand, "go ahead, let's see what you've got!" The wolf threw off his shirt and began to change, "Fine then, I'll indulge your death wish!" Before long a great silver wolf stood where the boy once did, an amulet shaped like a cresent moon around his neck. The vampire opened his coat to reveal rows and rows of knives, they gently eased themselves out of their pockets and began to circle the vampire slowly. "C'mon little puppy! I'll give you a free shot!" the vampire said condescendingly to the furious wolf, having the knives float behind him, out of the way whilst he stood with his arms wide. Unlike the 'gunslinger' from the pub the wolf didn't hesitate, launching himself at the vampire, tearing into his throat with his razor sharp fangs and clawing at his chest. Unfortunately, after several seconds of mauling the vampires wounds were healing faster than the wolf could make them; he didn't release screams of pain, only the laughter of a maniac. The wolf didn't relent and the vampire began to get bored, after the laughter died down there was a sigh, "Not the one either it seems... a monster even among monsters." With that, the floating knives surrounded the wolf. One by one they plunged into the wolf, first his limbs, getting closer to vitals with each blade. The wolf tried to defend himself, but the blades where everywhere at once; there was no escape from the onslaught of silver as the vampire casually stood and watched the funeral procession. The wolf yelped and whined with every new wound and eventually ran out of strength to even try to fight, collapsing to the ground with a whimper. The vampire crouched beside the dying wolf and rested a hand on his bloodied snout, "It's ok little pup, better now than never," he whispered softly as the final knife struck.

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