Chapter 8: Prelude III

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Throughout all the man in red's years he'd only encountered a few vampires, all of them young, inexperienced and travelling alone; easy pickings for the likes of him. Even the one who turned him was a pushover after a massacre or fives's worh of blood. So when his travels lead him to rumours of a coven of vampires his curiosity was piqued more than it had been in a long time, especially since vampires were usually very territorial. It didn't take long to quite literally sniff them out, he just followed the stench of blood until he found the overwhelming presence emanating from that many vampires in one place.When he found the night club they'd taken posession of the moon was high in the sky, it would be a crecent soon to match his new amulet (it was interesting that it contained the wolf but couldn't do the same for a vampire). He sauntered to the front door of the club, getting uncomfortably close to the 6 foot lump of muscle at the door, there was a vampiric presence too which explained the sunglasses at night. The man in red examined the bouncer's face closely for a few seconds before the meathead pushed him back, "Don't think you're on the list, get lost." The man in red lowered his round shades to reveal his crimson irises, "That change your mind?""'Fraid not, get goin'" the bouncer replied stoically."Aww but I thought we were shades at night buddies!" The man in red teased."Whatever you say buddy." The bouncer was thoroughly disinterested."Well in that case I'm almost sorry about this, but trust me I'm saving you a lot of trouble in the long run."Rose surveyed the dance floor full of her loving subjects from the upper bar balcony, seemed like almost everyone was here tonight. She sipped her blood cocktail and watched in satisfaction as her subjects indulged themselves with blood, drink and drugs. Then the front door exploded inwards. The door bludgeoned a few vampires on it's way in, and was followed by bloody chunks of what Rose assumed was the bouncer. Moments later the man in red strode down his newly-made red carpet into the, now silent, club and looked around, "Oh please, you all look like a bunch of spooked animals! Pull yourselves together!" Rose threw her head back, swallowing the last of her cocktail, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" she screamed at the intruder as she dropped gracefully from the balcony, her stilettos clicking against the hard floor. The man in red's eyes settled on Rose and he lowered his glasses to look her properly in the eye, "Ah good, the Queen of this little court. That saves me the trouble of slaughtering weaklings until you showed yourself." Rose hissed back at this challenger "If you think you can kill my subject then talk to me like that you've got another-" the man in red cut her off, "The time for blustering is over thank you very much. Now, my name is Quillan and I challenge you to a fight to the death.""Good, now I know what to put on your tombstone. Stand back my pretties, mommy'll take care of this upstart!""Oh you misunderstand, as part of your coven the power of these gathered vampires is part of your own. I challenge ALL of you. Right now! ALL AT ONCE!" Rose couldn't help but laugh, "Do you honestly think you can take on over 50 vampires at once?! You're insane!""Maybe, either way it's not like a wannabe vampire Queen all on her lonesome is even worth my time."Rose bit her lip and snarled, "Fine! I guess I can share!" And with that, countless fangs descended upon Quillan.After that kerfuffle Quillan ended up coated in even more red than normal as he exited the club into the now silent streets of the city. 'Mommy' was the only one who even approached a level that could be considered a threat, the rest were practically babies. Lambs brought to the slaughter. Very disappointing indeed, though they did have a few interesting drinks he hadn't tried before so maybe not a total waste of time (not that he didn't have an abundance of time to waste as he pleased). Now there was one more rumour to investigate, supposedly some kind of old mystical individual who lived in a castle. Just outside of a town only a few days from this city. Quillan continued his 100 year stroll.

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