Chapter 7: Roost

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Vallentin sighed with relief at being out of the library and turned to a still slightly concerned Sophia, "It's getting late for you, there's just one more place I want to show you before you go home for the night.""Awww come on Vallentin I wanna see the whole castle!""Firstly, I very much value my privacy and secondly, you need to be up bright and early for school tomorrow.""...I-It's Saturday tomorrow...""I see... well you should still get to bed soon, you're a growing Lady.""Fiiiine, show me this last place then.""Alrighty then, only problem is that it's quite a walk from here so hold on to your dinner." With that the candles flickered and the pair found themselves in a new room. Sophia was astonished that there were somehow more books on shelves in this circular chamber, the library already contained more books than she'd ever seen at once. The rest of the room was filled with plush furniture for some good old fashioned lounging with a good book, a balcony with a fantastic view of the crecent moon was situated on the far side, revealing that this room was at the very pek of the castle's tallest tower. A hammock swayed gently in the breeze on the balconyVallentin broke the few moments of silence he'd left for Sophia to take it all in, "Welcome to my roost atop the tallest tower, I have spent hundreds of years curled up reading or sketching in all this wonderful furniture. The hammock is a new addition and is quickly becoming my favourite." Sophia looked at the hammock closely, there was a fair amount of wear and tear on this supposedly new hammock, "When exactly did you get this hammock?" Vallentin went into deep thought for far longer than he reasonably should have, "...Somewhere between 15... and 60... years ago... I think..." he trailed off. Sophia blinked in momentary confusion, "Vallentin this hammock is older than me." The old vampires eyes widened, "Weeelllll enough of that you should get going.""Yep, I guess I should..." the two stood in uncomfortable silnce for several seconds "... teleport us Vallentin.""O-oh right, yes that is a thing I do."With a click and a flicker they were back in the entrance hall. They said their awkward goodbyes, both considering a hug but ultimately deciding not to, unbeknownst to each other. Sophia quietly strolled home, her parents not really questioning where she'd been, and headed to bed early. Vallentin returned to his hammock with a book he'd read before until sunrise forced him inside.

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