Ch-42 First Power User

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Somewhere, in another place on the road which was filled with many zombies and also some people, there were some military forces and police officers were fighting with zombies and they were shooting with guns and also using some cold weapons like daggers and knife to kill as many zombies as possible with least damage to themselves and alive people as possible but it was really difficult task for them to do this.

Suddenly a vehicle filled with police officers who were shooting with guns at zombies besieged by zombies and they also lost some brothers of them in this struggle and then they were in a very dangerous situation, other military force and officers were trying to help them but it was not to much useful because their situation was also not too good.

Suddenly one zombie got close to one officer and just when that zombie was going to grab his hand, that officer, maybe some thing triggered in his body or maybe he felt he was going to die or what, suddenly a fire came out of his hand and burn that zombie's hand and also his body little by little with that fire.

Now that officer was shocked and as well as his other teammates and also those military force people. They looked at him like he is some magician and that man... he didn't came out of his shocked stupidity until another teammate killed another zombie who was raising his claws towards him. They wanted to ask him how he did it but they also knew the severity of the situation so they didn't say anything for now and focused on killing zombies.

That's officer name was Su Yong He again tried to bring out the fire from his hand and after some trying, he succeeded, fire broke out and then he got alot excited and tried to killed another zombie. With his fire and other teammates help, they came out of zombies group and went to a house, that house was empty and there was no zombie and no human, maybe they were killed or ran away but it gave them some relax time.

After coming to the house and closing all the doors and windows, they came straight to Su Yong to ask about the situation, how he did that and how that fire broke out of his hand, everyone was curious and excited no matter police officers, his friends, or military forces, everyone just want to know the answer, maybe there was some expectations in their hearts that even they don't know.

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