ch. 3

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"How messy. " Karasu looked around the bloodied floor and walls. Sobbing could be heard from a corner. She glanced around and saw a boy by what seemed like a little girl's corpse. He was crying uncontrollably.

"What a surprise, looks like we've got a survivor, a tiny one at that." She reached out her hand and hugged the shivering boy "匚ㄖ几丂ㄒ卂几ㄒ ㄥ丨千乇"

In a blink of an eye, they were in a room filled with objects protected by glass boxes. She poured warm water into a cup and gave it to the boy. She tapped the table twice, summoning a spirit, it giggled and whirled around the room creating clouds.

The boy stopped crying and looked up. She smirked, "Welcome, traumatised kid." His eyes widened when he saw clouds of different hues floating around the room and was even more surprised when he saw a beautiful lady in the middle of the room.

Her eyes were like red rubies, and her hair was pure white like paper. He looked around the room - it was simple and spacious. Almost as if the incident that happened just now was a nightmare.

But then it hit him, he snapped back and realized who he was talking to. "You, you're a demon...!" He backed off but his leg hit the table and the cup fell on him, he was drenched from head to toe.

"A smart boy too. " Karasu smirked, "And I have come to you with an ulterior motive. Will you become a demon? You can become stronger and live longer. You will have the power to protect your loved ones but at the cost of your humanity."

The upper moon rested her head on her hand and tapped her cheek twice and the water that drenched the boy, floated and accumulated into a small water spirit. "You can do many things if you become one. If you become strong enough, you will be able to serve the almighty king." She manipulated the spirit and it became bigger. "Choose wisely." she clenched her hand, and the water spirit disappeared.

"I refuse to become a demon! They killed my sister and my family, I will never forgive them! So don't even try to force me because I will never become a disgusting creature like you!" He gritted his teeth and pointed an accusing finger at her, closing his eyes preparing for the worse.

She chuckled, "Good."

The boy was surprised upon hearing this, he slowly opened his eyes. Karasu grinned victoriously, almost as if she had won against someone. "The foot of Sagiri Mountain, you will find someone who will help you in your vengeance. I have high hopes so don't disappoint me, kid."

Before the room fell apart, she added, "...and I'm sorry for being unable to save your sister and your family."

"W-wait! My name is Giyu, Giyu Tomioka and I will never forget this favour!"

She smiled and disappeared and never appeared before the boy again. But he remembered, the image of her leaving stayed with him. He thought that he saw the last of her. However she appeared again, as a captive.

Karasu walked around the Butterfly mansion as if she owned the place, entering rooms not caring for the fright she caused the helpers. The helpers would jump at the sight of her looking around and when they made eye contact, she would simply smirk and leave. Karasu crossed her arms, visibly bored.

It was morning and the sun was shining brightly so the demon couldn't step out and had to stay in the shade. She was annoyed by the lack of freedom and clicked her tongue but she smelled a familiar scent and her eyes landed on a young boy encouraging his friends. She smiled widely at herself, and tried to approach the boy but realized he was under the protection of the sun.

She clicked her tongue, and sighed "Hahh, what a pain in the ass." Karasu stepped under the gaze of the sun, wincing a bit. Slowly, she strode to the young boy. "They seem to be working hard." Tanjiro jumped when he saw the women beside him, smiling gently. "Ah-"

"Surely you know who Tamayo is, Kamado Tanjiro." Her gentle smile transitioned into a malicious one in a split second. Tanjiro took a step back, visibly frightened. Karasu suddenly grabbed his hands, "You see, she's an old friend of mine. I want to know how she's faring, it's been centuries since we've last met. Surely you'll tell me, seeing as to how you reek of her blood demon art."

They both sat in the shade, Tanjiro felt pressured by Karasu's frightening smile. He told her everything he knew and throughout the conversation, the white haired girl listened attentively. After he had finished recounting his encounter with Tamayo and Yushiro, he went on about his life and what he had been through. Contrary to his expectations, she wasn't annoyed that he went off track and was instead giving him her full attention.

Tanjiro paused, he looked at Karasu and she smiled back. He hesitated, "U-uhm, I'm sorry if this is personal but are you blind?" The demon raised a brow. "It's just, your eyes are white coloured and dull. I'm sorry if it's offensive!"

Karasu chuckled, "I'm partially blind. I can still see but I have limited vision, everything's a blur."

"It must be really hard carrying on with your life. If there's anything you need help with, I would be happy to help!" Tanjiro smiled brightly, Karasu swore she would burn from the light radiating from his smile alone. She noticed the earrings the boy was wearing and smiled, "Your earrings," She began, pointing at them "I want it."

Tanjiro was taken aback, the earrings were precious to him and he has never parted with them. Karasu sighed sadly "I thought we were close friends. You see, I too am a demon who has fallen prey to Muzan. I'm sorry, I assumed it would be a good idea to share one side of your earrings to symbolize our friendship. I apologize, I was foolish." Karasu buried her face in her hands. Tanjiro was flustered, he removed one side and passed it to the girl with a guilty smile. "Here, I'll give one to you. I apologize, please don't cry."

Karasu walked along the porch after saying goodbye to Tanjiro, she smirked 'You're so easy to manipulate dear Tanjiro, your kindness is your weakness. I'm quite worried.'. She put on the earring, her eyes glowing red before going back to its initial state. Abruptly, the demon felt her whole body hurt as she collapsed onto her knees. She coughed out blood before losing consciousness.

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