Chapter 1: The small Jay

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3rd person pov

It's a cold winter night. Two fledgling kids sit in an apartment, shivering as they wait for their mother to return. Both are malnourished and small. The older child stands out with his red wings and blonde hair, while the younger blends into the shadows with her dark blue wings the only thing standing out is her bright ginger hair. The younger of the two looked around for any sign of their mother shivering as she tried to wrap her small wings around herself. Her brother notices and gently wraps his wings around both of them.

Hours turn into days and days turn into weeks, as the two children sit in the apartment waiting for their so-called mother to return. As the weeks go by the brother eventually resorts to stealing to keep him and his sister alive. Being careful to never get caught he stole food and clothes. Only grabbing absolute necessities. As the weeks turned into months the two began to lose hope that their mother would ever come back.

Three months had gone by now and the two were becoming used to their life in the abandoned apartment. Keigo had gone out and got some food while Blaise had stayed to try and clean the apartment. Keigo gets back and the two eat, while they are eating they hear the apartment door unlock and open. A man walks in holding a duffel bag and closes the door scanning the area before his eyes landed on both of them. He had big red orange wings and his hair was pulled back in a bun or small ponytail, his eyes were piercing and a deep yellowish gold.

Shinyo's POV

I walk into my apartment finding two kids. Great, I got those two bitches pregnant and they left em for me to take care of. I'm a thief and leader of the yakuza, not a damn family man.

I walk over to the two fledglings sizing them up. The boy puts one of his wings up as if to defend his sister. I turn towards his sister. She was slightly smaller than him and she looked more like her mother... while he looked like a small copy of me...damn it I can't take care of these two.

I sigh, walking over to the counter and grabbing a wine bottle laughing at the boy. "That's rich kid, you really think you can protect your little runt of a sister from me, I'm not the boogeyman I'm much worse." The little runt starts to shake and the boy seems determined. I take a swig of wine and then smash the bottle on the counter seeing the small girl jump. I laugh and throw the bottle at the boy's wing. His eyes widened as he flinched and then puffed his wing out to protect the runt. I grab him and slam his face into the counter. The little runt's eyes widen and she jumps back. I throw him on the ground and kick the boy. "Stop, please stop!" The little runt cries as she hides behind the stool she was on. The boy struggled to get up so I picked him up by his hair. "Lesson number 1 kiddos don't trust anyone. No one is gonna do shit for you so do it yourself." I punch the boy and then sit on his stool grabbing the other wine bottle.

The little runt runs to her brother and cries some more. "Keigo... Keigo are you all right?" I turn towards them. The bitch had to name the kid after my father. The runt notices me looking and quickly tries to puff her wings to protect him. I sigh... she really does look like her mom... shit I can't get attached to these two. Her wings are smaller than Keigo's... shit no don't use names then you get attached.

The boy gets up and glares at me. I notice how malnourished the two are and I start to get ticked off. Fuck no stop that you can't care about these two. The runt looks at me fearfully but does her best to fluff out her wings, that's when I notice one of them is broken. My blood boils looking at her broken wing. She flinches as she looks at me. I get up and slowly walk towards her and she starts to back away from me. I quickly grab her and she squeaks, her brother trying to get up to help her. "Stop struggling and let me look at your wing kid." She looks at me confused and complies. I gently grab her broken wing and she winces. Keigo gets up and looks furious. I walk over to my bag and grab some gauze, I sit the runt down on my knee and start to wrap her wing. Keigo looks at me utterly confused. I sigh and motion him over fixing his wing that I had hurt.

The two kids look at me after I was done and I rolled my eyes, "Look I'm not exactly a family man but... birds of a feather stay together alright?" The two nod.

(Two years later)

Blaise's pov

I was in the apartment waiting for Keigo and father to come home. They had gone out "shopping" and I was to stay in the apartment because I'm too small and can't fly yet. I didn't like being stuck in the apartment but last time I snuck out my father had to figure out how to get me away from some very concerned pro heroes. He was not happy with me and I wasn't allowed to have dinner for at least three days. I just sat in the apartment and decided to draw some to keep myself busy because I had already cleaned the whole place. As I'm drawing a cat I see out the window I hear the door unlock and look over seeing Keigo and Father return. Keigo is bloody and I rush over grabbing the first aid supplies. "You stupid little fuck! What have I told you about drawing attention to yourself!" Our father yelled as he slammed the door closed. oddly enough he let us stay, it wasn't great staying with him because one minute he is fine with us and the next he hates us. Keigo glares at our father and turns to me. I stay quiet and start tending to his wounds. Shinyo sighs clearly annoyed, "at least the runt knows when to fucking listen." He grabs a beer and chugs it. Keigo looks over at Shinyo, clearly upset. "It's not my fault endeavor almost caught us because you just love the fucking adrenaline rush!" Shinyo throws the can at Keigo towering over us. "Shut the fuck up before I do it for you, you ignorant brat." I back up slightly but our father grabs me and holds me up. "Runt I have some colleagues coming over so you better have food ready for them and you know what to do." I nod and Keigo looks disgusted. "She is only 8 and you want her to do whatever those fuckers want her to do! That's disgusting!" Our Father grabs him by the collar and slams him into the bar, "Shut it! I want you in your room for the rest of the night or I won't be so nice!" I grab Keigo's hand and nod quietly saying I'll be fine. He looks down and goes to his room then Shinyo grabs my arm pulling me towards him and grabs my face. "Alright Runt I want you on your best behavior do you understand?" I nod my head and run into the kitchen.

The men eventually come and they drink, eat and talk. They all get loud and rowdy. Most of them pass out drunk but a few are actually able to leave. One man was particularly fond of touching my wings. I would squirm and squeak but I didn't want my father getting upset. The man was well dressed compared to the others and had a calm aura. He practically inspected my whole body and repeatedly touched my wings then looked over to my father.

Shinyo's pov

Tokomori Shinobu turned to me after inspecting the runt. "She seems well behaved and is quite attractive even at this young age. We shall talk more about this in private but I'm open to your alliance." I nod smirking and then look at the runt. "You're free to go to your room runt your done for tonight." The kid sprints to their room and I turn to Tokomori, "so you want to form an alliance im glad." Tokomori smirks and puts his hand out, "I do have a few notes before we form an alliance. One I want your daughter when she is a bit older. She'll be a great incentive for my men. Two, one of my men, Hishi will join you and one of your men will join my group." I think for a second then take Tokomori's hand shaking it. "Alright I agree to your terms, Shinobu"

Blaise's pov

I run into the room Keigo and I share shaking, Keigo notices and hops off his bed and hugs me with his wings wrapping around both of us. I shake and silently cry until I eventually fall asleep and Keigo puts me in my bed.

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