Chapter 4: My Father is an Asshole and so I Plan my Great Escape

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(One year later)

Keigo's pov

We have been stuck with this asshole for a year and I finally had a plan to get us out of this hell hole. Shinyo was gone a lot more because of the deal he made with the mafia so it was the perfect time for us to run away, and I was going to make sure he got caught and ended up in jail. I slowly convinced Blaise to go along with my plan and get out of here with me, but she was still somewhat weary of the plan. I had faith that it would work and that we would get out of here and have a better life.

Shinyo was going to be back today from some mission so I left the apartment and went on my mission to find some pro heroes that could help Blaise and I. As I walk through the city, I keep a low profile looking for the pros. I don't see any heroes for a while and I start to feel hopeless. Just as I'm about to give up and go home thinking another day may be better I hear a commotion and run towards the scene seeing heroes fighting some villain. I watch in awe seeing my favorite hero of all time, Endeavor with the other pros. They effortlessly defeat the villain and afterwards I run over to them. "I need help please! My sister and I are being abused by our villain father and he's coming home today! You have to help us please!" The heroes turned to see me and seemed shocked.

All of the heroes look at each other before they look at me once again. Then, Endeavor steps forward half a step. "What do you mean? Explain further." I look at Endeavor along with the other heroes with confidence. "My sister and I have been living or well staying with our villain father for a year. He abuses us and we need help getting out of there without him hurting us any further, than he already has."

The heroes look at each other and one of the other pros then steps up. "We'll help you kid, just lead the way." I nod and lead the way to the shabby apartment. The heroes follow me and I pick up my pace not sure when our father would get back and not wanting something to happen to Blaise. As we are walking all I can think about is making sure this plan works. I get anxious as I keep walking. I start to worry about my sister and if our father is already home, as I'm trying to keep myself calm one of the heroes walks up to me and puts their hand on my shoulder. I look up and recognize the hero as Midnight. She looks down at me and smiles.

"Don't worry kid, we are going to help you and your sister. Even if your father is already home we'll help you two." I nod thankful that these heroes are willing to help.

"You said your father is a villain, who is your father?" Endeavor asks with his arms crossed and a stoic expression on his face.

I look at him and sigh, "My father is Shinyo Takami, known as the Takami thief." The heroes look at me surprised. They all look at each other and then at Endeavor who seems to get annoyed.

"Haven't you been after that guy for a few years now and he always escapes." One of the younger heroes says to Endeavor. He frowns at the hero and keeps walking. We gradually get closer to the apartment and I start to sprint wanting to get there fast, worried that something could have happened to my sister.

Blaise's pov

I wait for Keigo to get home with some pro heroes knowing that he was putting his plan in motion today. I wait nervously hoping that Keigo gets home before our father. I had to hide myself in my room to avoid being seen by my father. Pacing back and forth through my messy room unable to contain my erratic nerves. It was hard to pay attention to anything that was going on around me as I tried waiting patiently for Keigo to return. Every once in a while I had to stop in absolute fear as I heard noises coming from somewhere in the house. Part of my brain tries to reason that maybe it's mice or bugs but the other part is screaming that it's my father coming through the door. I suddenly hear the door slam open and I jump and run to the closet shaking in fear. "Blaise! Blaise? Where are you?" I hear Keigo yelling and I sigh with relief. I take a few breaths calming my anxiety and step out of the closet and slowly walk to my door to open it. I hear a couple other voices as I walk to the door. As I grab hold of the doorknob I hear a deep voice and freeze in my tracks remembering who it belongs to.

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