Chapter 3: A chaotic adventure that results in meeting the worst hero I know

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Shinyo's pov

I walked out of the apartment with the runt and headed off to a store a couple of blocks away from the apartment. Once I got into the alleyway next to the store, I put the runt down.

"Alright runt you can fly now so now we are going to see how you do with stealing some food. Follow my instructions and you won't have a problem got it." All the runt does is nod in response. I have been with these two for almost three months now and this runt just does not talk, all she does is nod or sign to her brother who seems to understand what she is saying.

I take a deep breath and look at the runt. "I want you to sneak into this store right here and grab the few food items we need. Don't cause a scene just get in and out." I wait for the runt to respond and see her nod her head to my orders. I then nod my head towards the store, "Now go."

Blaise's pov

I nod at my father after hearing his instructions and look at the store nervously before slowly making my way into the store. While I walk towards the entrance of the store I see a very tall built man with flames on his face enter the store. He had a small boy with him that looked around Keigo's or my age. The boy had red hair with a little bit of white in it. I quietly walked in behind them trying to think of what all we needed at home from the store. I started to get even more nervous as I looked around. I slowly walk around the store and grab as many of the items as I can. I slowly walk towards the doors and try to hold everything in my arms and not drop anything.

Almost making it to the door, I am get more and more nervous, making sure I don't drop anything. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder and a deep voice behind me. Turning around and I see the very tall built man with flames on his face behind me. The tall man bends down to my level, "Hello little kid, where are you going?" I look up towards the tall man not sure what to say and start to look to the ground unsure what to do. I look behind me hoping my father may come to help me. But, I don't see my father or see him coming my way.

Looking back towards the tall man, he is now looking at me with a suspicious look. The tall man lets go of me and continues to speak, "I am going to ask again. Where are you going?" I try to find my voice but in the end just points towards the door too scared to speak. The man raises an eyebrow and looks around.

"Where are your parents?" I look up at the man and shrug. He seems to get more annoyed and I notice the kid that was with him from before. The kid looked excited but also kind of confused once he looked over at me. I look back outside of the store to see if my father is coming to my aid, but I still don't see him. Then, I look back up at the tall man still not finding my voice. I start to get really scared and start to panic realizing my father probably isn't coming to help me at all. As the panic is setting in I notice the boy start to get closer. The boy looks at the tall man.

"Dad, maybe her parents are not around and as a hero shouldn't we help someone in need?" I instantly look around frantically realizing the man is a hero. My brain starts screaming to run but my legs won't move and I am frozen in place. The man looks at his son and sighs. "Your right Touya. As heroes we help citizens that need our help." The man then looks at me. "We will help you find your parents, little one."

My brain continues to yell at me to run away from these people, but my body will not move like I want it to. I look at the two and frantically shake my head not wanting the help, remembering a lot of the things that my father said about heroes and knowing I could get in trouble. I also remember Keigo's fascination with heroes and how our father argued with him over heroes being awful. I didn't want their help, I just wanted to get out of the store and go home. The man and his son looked at each other and then at me once I had shook my head. "You don't want help?" The boy looked at me confused. I shake my head again and look behind me one more time and that's when I finally see my father looking in the store. As soon as I see him I bolt for the doors with everything still in my arms.

Shinyo's pov

It had been twenty minutes and the runt still wasn't out of the store so I cautiously looked in the store from the window next to the door. As soon as I looked in I saw Endeavor and I assumed his son was talking to Blaise. She looked around and saw me looking in, I saw the panic in her eyes and then saw her bolt for the door with the food still in her arms. The doors opened and she bolted towards me and I saw endeavor looking baffled for a minute before looking extremely angry. I laughed and grabbed some of the food from the runt and patted her head. "Good work, little bird. You'll make a great thief one day." We both quickly run off and fly back to the apartment. Once we are back at the apartment and I open the door Keigo comes running over and checks the runt out to make sure she has no injuries. He also notices the food in her hands and glares up at me.

"So you throw her off a building and then have her steal food!" I roll my eyes at the brat.

"She needs to learn how to survive just like you had too. If you have a problem with it punk then leave." He seems to think for a minute before glaring at me.

"Maybe I will! I'll get Blaise and I in a better place than with you!" He grabs his sister's hand and pulls them to their room.

Keigo's pov

I pulled my sister to our room and closed the door behind us. "I'm going to get us out of here." Blaise stared at me in disbelief. I needed to get out of here and I needed to take her with me, because if not I feel like our father would kill Blaise. This was all I knew, I needed to get us help. She shook her head and I looked at her in shock.

"I... I don't... I don't want to leave. I saw... I saw a hero today and he... he was really scary and big. Dad said heroes are bad and I was scared when I saw the hero." I stare at Blaise in disbelief. Not sure how to approach this situation or how our horrible father convinced Blaise that heroes are horrible and scary. I knelt down to Blaise's level and smiled at her as I put a hand on her shoulder. "Blaise, there are so many different looking types of heroes. Not just the one you saw today, I promise you. But if you stay here with our father you won't be able to experience all kinds of different things in life." She looks at me and seems to contemplate what I'm saying.

"I... I don't know, how would we even get out of here if we wanted to leave." I think for a moment, not really sure of a plan yet.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm going to come up with something." 

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