Chapter 20: Like Icarus I Begin to Fly too Close to the Sun

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Blaise's Pov

I'm not sure what time it was when I woke up but I awoke to that ever familiar scent of pine and ash. I sigh contently in Touya's arms as my thoughts go back to what had happened before I fell asleep. My face flushes as the images play in my mind. I was glad that my face was covered by his surprisingly toned chest. I was most definitely as red as Keigo's wings by now as I slowly glanced up and I'm met with gorgeous turquoise eyes. Touya softly smiled down at me and his hand moved from the small of my back into my hair twirling and playing with the long purple and black locks of hair. I lay in his arms comfortably as he plays with my hair. This feels nice. While I'm just enjoying the moment I hear my phone go off which slightly spooked me as I forgot it wasn't on silent like usual since Aizawa was in the hospital and I was helping Bella around the house since she was temporarily blind. Touya chuckles and grabs my phone, handing it to me as he sits up and pulls me onto his lap with his other arm. I open my phone not realizing Touya is watching as I do so and looking as I open my text messages.

Big Bird 😂: Hey Blaise, we made it to the hospital... They have her in the back now. But, they also have me waiting in the ICU waiting room area. I am still waiting for Lucy, Laina, or the doctor to come out to talk to me about her. Did you want to come see her? I'm sure she would love to hear your voice and all when she wakes up... But of course it's up to you...

Reading the text I go to get up so I can go make sure Bella is okay but Touya tightens his grip around me. I turn to look at him confused. "Um Touya I need to go to the hospital... I need to make sure Bella is alright." All of the questions I had about him and Keigo slowly started coming back and I tried to move again. Touya kept his grip tight around me and a few minutes later I got another text from my brother.

Big Bird 😂: Update for you. She is going to be in the ICU... I don't know if you want me to tell you everything that the doctor said through text, but I can always tell you in person. But the doctor said that she is currently stable except at the same time still unconscious. Hope to see you soon. Love you sis.

As I read the text I felt Touya lay his head on my shoulder. "Touya, I should really get going..." His eyes lazily looked from my phone to me and he took my phone out of my hands.

"She'll be fine, that birdbrain is with her. You're staying right here." I look at Touya in shock.

"Excuse me?" I was so stunned that that's the only thing I could say. What the hell, I'm not a dog, he can't just force me to stay.

"BlueJay we just had a very intimate moment and I'm not just going to let you leave. You're mine now and I'm not going to let anyone else have you." He looked at me seriously and I just sat there. I was completely caught off guard by this. I really wasn't sure what to do.

I decided to try and reason with him. "Touya, I need to be there with her, she's family... Plus I can't just stay with you 24/7. I have work, and I have a life."

He seemed to think it over, "How about a compromise? You stay here with me for a bit more than you can go see her. She's probably still unconscious anyway." Well at least he's not forcing me to stay. I nod agreeing with his terms.

"Okay fine." In the long run maybe I shouldn't have agreed and should have just left then.

Touya was damn good at keeping me distracted. He got me to forget about the texts a couple different times. First he took me into my bathroom and helped me in the shower. Did I necessarily need help, no, did it feel nice, yes. Then he got me to stay by making nuggets. I was ashamed of being bribed with nuggets but I couldn't help it. Then he trapped me in his arms again and was teasing the hell out of me. Playful banter turned to kisses and light touches which turned to making out and getting heated. Finally after hours he said I could go to the hospital. I wish I could say I was upset with him... but I couldn't stay mad at him and when he asked to see my phone so he could send himself a text I let him. "I'll talk to you later, Little Mouse." with that he went back to wherever he lived and I went to the hospital. Keigo is going to fucking kill me. I hadn't looked at myself in the mirror when I was leaving so I had no idea I had a hickey right on my neck that my jacket could not cover.

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