Chapter 2: Not-so-relaxing

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"Y/N! Y/N!" I hear Kate call out to me.

"Morning, Mom" I say before opening my eyes.

"Or... Night, Mom" I add on as I realize it's 5 a.m. My mom chuckles at my remark. "Get up. I have your clothes prepared right on your bed. Wear it, brush your teeth, and get to the car. I'll be waiting outside"

"You chose my clothes for me!?"

"Yes, sweetie. We're visiting a very posh, classy and rich family. You can't show up to their place in your ripped jeans and oversized hoodies!"


"But don't worry, I've already packed up your entire closet."

Thank goodness. At least I could change clothes once I arrived there.

"Now, get going!" mom ushers before leaving the room in a frenzy.

I force myself out of bed, eyes barely even half open. I slide on my slippers, head to the bathroom and begin brushing my teeth. Whilst brushing my teeth, I feel every emotion going all at me at once. Nervousness and excitement most prevalent of them all. I then head back to my bedroom and begin wearing my clothes in a hurry. Her pick wasn't as bad as I expected, nothing great either. It was enough to get by a rich and classy family.

I quickly brush up my hair, then run out the house into mom's car. I enter the car, "you ready, baby?" she looks at me from the rear view mirror. "Yes. You packed all my clothes and necessities, right?" "Of course. Had been doing all that work while you were peacefully resting" I then chuckle, "Thank you" "Noooo problem, dear" she says in a slightly sarcastic tone before beginning to drive out of the garage.

"You sleep, sweetie. This will be a long drive"

I close my eyes, gosh I was tired, my eyelids were heavier than rocks, I needed all the sleep I could get.


I slowly wake up, still in the moving vehicle with my mom driving, as I notice us now in a large and dark forest. The sky was misty... gloomy... oh shit, were we getting close?

"Mom. Mom. Are we almost there?" I slur my words.

"Oh, hey sweetie! You've been knocked out for a whole 10 hours! And yes, we're close by now"

My heart started pounding a little faster now. I'm nervous.

After 20 minutes, I begin to notice the large black fences around the large, beautifully dark and mysterious castle covered in fog. "Woah..." I awe at the beauty of it all. "I know right?" my mom smiles.

As the castle began to get larger and larger, I find it hard to fathom that I'll be living in such a mystic beauty for a while.

She drives, parking right in front of the gate. She was 10 minutes early. Good on her. She notices some rattling going on behind the entrance of the gate, and so do I, before the gates slowly open wide, an old looking, relatively skinny woman with white hair in rolls, and very posh clothing, steps out.

She reaches the window at the driver's seat where my mom was. Mom slowly rolls down the window. "You're Kate right? And your daughter Y/N?"

"Yes, that is us!" Mom beams in delight.

The frazzled-looking, but classy woman takes a few steps back as me and Mom exit out the car. "I am Mrs Grose. The children's grand-mother... nanny... guardian" she introduces herself "Nice to meet you, Kate" she shakes her hand. "And you young lady, lovely to meet you" she sticks her hand out and I shake it, slightly nervous. I feel like any wrong thing I do will go against their seemingly strict classy, whatever-rich-people-kind-of-moral-code-that-rich-and-classy-people-have.

𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝘆 | Miles Fairchild x Reader Y/NTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang