Bad Idea!

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Tori took a sip of her drink. At this point she didn't know what she was drinking, she just knew she was drunk. She didn't want to come to this party, but her friends begged her to. So now she was here, feeling like an outsider while her friends enjoyed themselves. She was slightly annoyed with them. After all, they forced her to come and now they were nowhere to be found.

Jade was watching Tori from a distance. She could tell the girl wasn't having a great time and truth be told, neither was Jade. A good part of her wanted to come up with an excuse that would get her and Tori out of this. She wondered why she cared about the other girl. It's not like they were friends. They were merely acquaintances. Besides Tori was a big girl, and she could figure out something on her own.

Jade is trying to listen to the guy talking to her but she's just not interested. He's telling her some lame story to try and impress her. It's not working at all. Instead, it's making her want to punch him but she doesn't. She's working on self-control.

Tori doesn't know how she got pulled into a game of seven minutes but she does. She tried to ignore Cat's pleas but she couldn't find herself saying no to the girl. Saying no to Cat just seemed plain wrong no matter how much someone wanted to tell her no. Tori scanned the circle and realized there was no one here she wanted to kiss or end up in a closet with. But it was too late to back out now. She knew her friends wouldn't judge her but this is a high school party after all, so someone was going to tease her, and then the whole school would know. Tori would never be able to show her face again.

Jade was convinced by Beck to play. She didn't want to but he practically begs her. Even though they're exes, they're still great friends. Jade would consider Beck her best friend. Not that she would ever say that out loud. He was very understanding about why she broke up with him. He was, even so, kind to not tell anyone. No one else knew the real reason. It would be Jade's story to tell when she was ready and she was no near ready. For now, it was time to play this stupid game and hope for the best.

Beck spins the bottle first after volunteering. It lands on some girl Tori vaguely recognizes. Beck grabs the girl by the hand and leads her to the closet. Everyone whistles and cheers. Tori looks over at Jade, Beck's ex to see how she feels about it. In true Jade fashion, she has no emotion. Tori doesn't know why but she wants to know how Jade feels about this. She knows that Jade was the only other person dragged into this.

Seven minutes feel like an eternity. Everyone in the circle just sits and talks. Tori manages to have another drink in the meantime. She should stop but being drunk is the only thing that's keeping her at this party. At the end of the seven minutes, someone opens the closet door. Beck is shirtless and the girl is in her bra and underwear. She blushes when she sees everyone. She grabs her stuff and heads upstairs to put her clothes back on.

"Alright, who's spinning next?" André says. "Beck how about you choose since you did it last round?"

Beck has a mischievous glint in his eye as he looks at Tori. She shakes her head no hoping he picks on someone else. Beck ignores her pleas anyways. "I choose Miss. Tori Vega."

Tori takes a deep breath before spinning the bottle. She watches it as it spins round and round. She's anxious about who it's going to land on. As the bottle spins she regrets coming and agreeing to play even more. The bottle finally stops. Tori looks up to make eye contact with who it landed on.

Jade. Of all people it was Jade. The one person who hated Tori.

There are a few soft laughs but it's mostly awkward silence. No one thought this would happen. Jade groans as she goes with Tori into the closet. She regretted playing this stupid game by the second.

"Have fun," Beck says as he shuts the door. Tori rolls her eyes even though he won't see it.

It's dark when the door closes. It's silent neither girl wanting to say anything. Jade breaks the silence.

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