chapter V

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AN: if you don't like romance you won't like this part. just a warning. no smut, but romance, yes.

She waited outside the Fat Lady. It was the day of Slughorn's party.

After some more decisions, and a bit of shopping at Hogsmeade, she decided to wear a knee-length silver dress, with ruffles and spangles, and flats. She also had earrings she had gotten in the shape of stars. She felt quite pleased with herself. Sure, she had had to drop a few Galleons, but she thought it looked quite nice.

The portrait hole opened, and Luna saw Harry. He wore dark dress robes.

"Hey, Luna," he smiled. "Are you ready to go?"

"Hello, Harry," Luna replied with a smile. "Yes, I'm ready."

"Alright, then let's go."

They headed towards the party, and Harry took her hand in his. It was warm, and soft. Luna decided it felt nice.

Rolf knew she was going to the party with Harry, but she had assured him it was just as friends. Still, he was on edge, and if he saw them holding hands, he probably wouldn't hesitate from yelling. Rolf was in the Hufflepuff basement, and they weren't heading there, so chances were they would not be caught.

When they arrived, they ended up splitting up, and Luna found herself talking with Sanguini, a vampire.

They made pleasant and rather interesting chat, but Luna couldn't help but look over his shoulder every once in a while to catch a glimpse of Harry. She had thought about it an embarrassing amount, and she had come to a stupidly simple answer: she liked Harry. Probably more than she did Rolf. But would she go after Harry? No, not unless she and Rolf broke up for different reasons.

His hair was messy but perfect, and his robes flattered his lean Quidditch build...

"What do you think of it?" Sanguini asked her, and she was reminded that she was having a conversation.

"Oh. Um, I think it's quite nice," Luna blurted out.

"You think it's nice?" Sanguini asked, giving her a look.

"No!" Luna stammered. "I, I mean..."

Sanguini nodded, still eyeing her. "Well, I'm going to get something to drink." He walked off, leaving Luna to herself.

Luna looked around. Everyone else was having a conversation. She started absent-mindedly walking around. She then realized she was walking towards Harry. He looked up at her, and she blushed and looked away.

Sanguini was already talking to someone else. He had no drink in his hand.

Somebody tapped her on the back. "Luna?" said Harry's voice.

She turned around. There was Harry, drink in his hand, eyes on hers.

"Hello, Harry," she said.

"You seemed lonely," he explained.

"Well, the person I was talking with left."

"Hm. That's rude."

"Yes, I guess."

"Are you ready to leave?" Harry asked.

"Well, maybe, if you want to go, then I'll go."

"I'd like to do what you want to do."

Luna considered Harry's expression. He seemed honest.

"Can we go?"

"Of course."

luna, my loveWhere stories live. Discover now