chapter VI

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AN: many thanks to @alwayslunalovegood for letting me use her idea of the thestrals. i won't give much away, but she used some thestrals in her story "always with luna lovegood", which she let me use in here too! check her and her stories out, it's worth it.

Luna exited her dormitory to find Rolf standing right outside it. Her heart missed a beat. She had to tell him, she just had to.

"Hey, Luna," he said.

"Hi, Rolf," she said.

"I was waiting for you."

"I can see."

"It's because I have to tell you something."

"Okay, spill."

"Let's walk and talk."

He started moving, and Luna followed.

"It's about us," he explained.

What is he talking about, Luna thought.

"You've been talking to me much less the past few days. It seemed like we were super close, and then you started avoiding me, almost. So what is it?"

Oh, dear. "Um... I was thinking about my mother."

"Oh" was all Rolf said.

Luna had to say it. Sure, she had thought about her mother, but she couldn't use that as an excuse in any situation. Just say it, she told herself, it'll be over and then you can kiss Harry every day.

"Well, that's part of the story," she whispered.

"What did you say?" Rolf asked.

"Um, there are two reasons. Two reasons why I've been talking to you less."


"Well, I've been interested in... someone else."

"What!" he exclaimed, and stopped walking. "Have you done anything?"

He didn't need to know that much. "No! No, of course not!"

He sighed, and people who had been watching left. "Who is it?"

"What does that matter?"


"Okay, it's Harry."

"Harry?" Rolf looked at her quizzically.


Rolf paused, a look of realization growing on his face. "You lied. Just last night you went to that party with him as 'friends' and-"

"That was just as friends!" Luna insisted.

"Well, whatever it was, you've done something." Rolf said, and stormed ahead of Luna.

Luna met Harry on her way to breakfast.

"I've told him," she said.

"How'd he take it?" Harry asked.


"I feared he would."

"Well, I didn't tell him about the kiss, but I said I was interested in you."


There was a pause.

"Are you guys... separated?"

"I'm not sure."

"Try to figure it out, will you?"

luna, my loveWhere stories live. Discover now