chapter VIII

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AN: i've decided to keep this book short. it was just a little fun thing to do, and i've gained experience from it. there will be a couple more chapters and maybe an epilogue. i'm sorry if you expected the story to be longer, but i will be working on other things, too, soon. i'm mapping out the plot of a luna/george one. if you have something you want me to do, feel free to just go ahead and message me.

anyway! i won't keep you. here's the next chapter.

Luna walked slowly. She didn't want to do this.

Still, she knew she had to, and Ginny had told her to. She had just talked to Ginny, and they had both come to a conclusion.

"I thought you were sure about this!" Ginny said exasperatedly. "We talked about it, and you were definitely sure about it then!" Luna hadn't been able to make herself do it.

"I don't know," Luna replied. "I just did so much with Harry, me and Rolf would never be the same."

"I thought you only kissed him?" Ginny said.

"I did, promise! But that's still just as far as Rolf and I went."

"No, you went farther," Ginny argued. "Being with someone for as long as you were with Rolf is going farther! You were in a serious relationship. You kissed Harry and went on a date once. If you like Rolf, then stay with him!"

"But I don't just like Rolf," Luna tried to explain.

"You think I don't know that? Go out and talk to Harry. Maybe you can break things off with him."

"But..." Luna realized arguing was worthless. Ginny had a point. Now, she would force herself to talk to Harry.

"What if I just talk to Rolf instead?" Luna asked.

"He wants an answer, and the answer is with Harry. Go find it." Ginny was adamant.

"Fine," Luna grumbled, and started walking towards her next class. Ginny stopped her.

"You know, I talk to Harry a lot," Ginny said.

"Yeah?" Luna said.

"He's liked you for a while. Don't expect him to take the news lightly. But make him take it. He'll get over it."

Finally, after searching for a good ten minutes, she found Harry sitting by the lake with Ron and Hermione. She sprinted over to them.

"Hey, guys," she breathed.

"Luna?" Harry asked. "I didn't know you had a free period now."

"I don't," Luna replied. "Anyway, can I talk to you?"

"Erm, yes?" Harry said.

"In private," she clarified.

"Oh. Um, okay. Just a second," he said to Ron and Hermione, and followed Luna who had already started walking away.

"I like Rolf," she blurted as soon as they were out of earshot.

"Okay..." Harry paused. "You don't mean..."

"I don't know who. Who I like better, I mean."

"Oh. That's not what I meant," Harry replied. "But, what? I thought we were official."

"Well, I thought we were, too, but I haven't really sorted things out with Rolf, and he's funny, and I do, genuinely like him and–"

"I understand that. But I thought we had something."

"I thought we did, too," Luna admitted. "But I still have something with Rolf."

"Then choose," Harry said.

"I was asking you to."

"How could I, fairly? I mean, it's 'have Luna' or 'not have Luna and give her to the person I'm not even particularly fond of'."

"So you're okay with me choosing the latter?"

"What? Choosing Rolf? I guess it's okay but I don't see why you'd want to."

"... I need to talk to Rolf about it."

"Go ahead, then."

Luna walked away, quite eager to be away from a fight.

"I talked to him, Ginny," she called out. Ginny turned around and looked at Luna. She raised an eyebrow.

"You did?" she asked.

"Didn't I say that?" Luna replied.

"Well? What did he say?"

"He said he'd rather I be with him but the choice, ultimately is up to me," she answered.

"Rolf won't be happy with that. He's going to say the same. You are the one who has to choose, Luna."

"You have a point. But that's why I'm here, I can't decide."

Ginny paused, and then sighed. "Can I be honest with you, Luna?" she asked.

Luna paused in return. "Of course, Ginny. I've been quite honest with you."

"Well, I'd rather you be with... You know what, never mind."

"You can be completely honest with me, Ginny. I won't tell a soul what you tell me."

"I believe that," Ginny answered. "But I'm not ready to tell a soul myself."

She started walking to lunch.

"I'm ready for honesty," Luna called out, but Ginny just turned her head and smiled back at Luna.

Luna had missed an Herbology class for that. She wanted her missed knowledge's worth.

She caught up to Ginny. "You don't have to tell me now, but please tell me soon," she asked.

"Don't worry, I will," Ginny sighed. "But this has been with me a while, you know?"

"I understand," Luna said. "You know, Ginny, I still get sad about my mother sometimes. But I've learned that airing out bad feelings helps them turn good again."

"Oh." Ginny didn't know how to reply to that. "I guess that makes sense."

"I won't pressure you, but it's not good to keep feelings bottled up," Luna warned. Then, remembering what she had made, she pulled out a chain from her bag and showed it to Ginny.

"Another butterbeer cork necklace?" Ginny said.

"Yes. Take it, so you have a spare. You really should get to wearing it. It is a necessary precaution. And it'll remind you not to bottle things up, but to uncork them."

"Sure I will," Ginny said, and rolled her eyes. After a pause, she said, "Thanks."

"Sure thing," Luna replied.

"I like Harry," Ginny blurted.

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