Stuck with Us

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"We now interrupt your usual programming for a citywide news coverage, two blonde young men have just robbed the biggest jewelry store in the city of Dallas..." The sound from a portable television echoed.

"You hear that bro?" Louis smirked at the back of the small white getaway van.

"Hey, Zayn can't talk right now he's getting his face mask off..." Rose responded as she slowly revealed Zayn's face with the help of tweezers, cotton balls, and rubbing alcohol.

The boys' van was parked in an gloomy abandoned mall parking building, where they couldn't be found.

"This is the last time I'm assisting you guys with your schemes..." Rose added as she continued with Zayn's face.

"I can't really reach..." Her body was bent down next to him. Zayn sat on a seat that was attached to the wall. She stepped over his legs and straddled him while standing.

"You always say that Love," Louis raised a blunt to his lips. "Got a light?" He asked.

"Yeah hold on." Rose pulled a pink lighter out of her back pocket and stretched her arm out to hand it to him.

"Crap!" Rose slipped, but luckily Zayn caught her by her hips and held her down.
Rose's POV:

I still held eye contact with Louis as I basically rode Zayn with clothes on. At least I gave him a lighter so he can get so high he forgets this incident.

"Pahahahahahaa!" Louis choked on his smoke as he laughed his lungs out.

My immediate reaction was to rip of Zayn's leftover fake skin off his face, and I did.

"What'd ya do that for?!" He rubbed his cheek as it turned red. Now that makes two of us.

I swung my body off of Zayn's and sat on the floor keeping up with the news coverage.

"We have located the two individuals down by a gasoline station..." A police officer narrated the live coverage as the helicopter camera zoomed in on a car with the "two blonde young men" in the front seats.

"Guys! guys!..." I waved my hands motioning for them to huddle around the TV.

"This is going to be good..." Zayn leaned in and Louis turned around from the drivers seat.

"It appears that they are not... Moving or breathing Officer Johnson..." The local news woman also made commentary.

"You're right Barbara! Let me take a look at this!" The television then switched to the officer walking to the car.

"Cover your eyes and ears Rose." Louis climbed over the seat and sat behind me.

"Now be careful Johnson!"

"Oh what harm can be done! They're just dumb kids" The officer spoke into his microphone that was clipped on to his uniform.

"Wait what?" I felt earmuffs and Louis putting a bag over my head.

As I was about to pull both off Louis lifted me onto his lap and held both of my arms down. Are they going to kill me? Do they really think I would rat them out?

I felt Zayn pulling out my pointer finger out of my grasp and making me push a button.

Seconds passed as a waiting for them to slit my throat or blow my brains out. At that moment those few seconds felt like hours.

Louis let go of my arms and I immediately took the items off of my head.

They were both in the front seat driving like the runaways they were. I noticed that the TV was off and I turned it right back on and it was on a cartoon channel.

"What's going on?!" I looked up to the rear view mirror.

"You don't want to know.." Louis made eye contact with me and continued smoking his blunt.

I quickly flipped through the channels and I made it back to the news coverage.

"Now here's a replay of the tragic event that went on just minutes ago..."

Wow they're really overreacting over some jewelry.

"Barbara... Come out..." A male news reporter nervously smiled.

"No! No! No!" You heard the middle aged woman shout in the background.


"Here's a replay..." The news anchor continued. "Here you can see Officer Johnson making his way to the car... And... It exploding on impact... Causing a gigantic explosion in the area with all the gas fumes... Twenty four are dead and twelve are wounded."

"WHAT DID YOU GUYS FUCKING DO?" I crawled my way up to these two assholes.

"More like what did you do." Louis smirked as he got on the freeway.

"One of the deceased on impact is Officer Johnson..."

"Thanks for leaving us with no evidence Rose!" Zayn high fived with Louis.

"Stop the van!" I shouted.

"This is not you're last time, you're stuck with us now Love." Louis proceeded to kiss my cheek. I didn't know if wanted to smile or to kill him.

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