Immortals Book 5 Third Half

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Everything in DN the first's building was going well. DN was still working with Debo, but he just didn't know that a team called Immortals ever existed. M and Debo were the only ones who remembered what happened, well they just thought they were the only ones who remembered everything. PC, the best fighter would train other employees of DN. PC used to fight them to see how much they have learnt. PC fought ML the first and nearly killed him, she also fought ML the second and broke his legs then cut them off. ML the second was always on a wheelchair and ML the first and few others were afraid of fighting PC. ML the second didn't like PC at all. DN the first, KM and DN the second just used to watch all the fights and find them entertaining.

EK took GT to his place.

GT: Well, where is she?

EK: She's inside.

GT: Go in and get her.

EK: (Walking towards door and mimics GT) Go in and get her.

GT: What did you say?

EK: Nothing, I said I will be right back.

EK went inside and found his entire family in the living room, he greeted them and was about to tell them about his day but, he just remembered that GT was outside waiting. EK excused himself, got PK and spoke to her.

EK: PK, I am so disappointed in you.

PK: Wh-what are you talking about EK?

EK: There's some maniac outside who is looking for you. He moves with swords and a chain. How did you even meet such a person?

PK: Wait, you mean to tell me you don't remember anything about what happened? DN, M, Debo. You don't remember any of those?

EK: Oh, Debo and M. You mean the President and Vice President of the world?

PK: What?

GT was waiting, impatiently outside. A few minutes later, he saw PK coming out. PK rushed to GT.


GT: Yes, PK. I have a lot to tell you.

PK: GT? As in GT who remembers M, Debo and DN and the others.

GT: Y-Yes, yes! Wait, you remember them too and you remember the lunch and the chord?

PK: Yes. Oh my God, I'm so happy someone remembers. EK doesn't know anything.

GT: ET doesn't know anything too. DN changed reality and rewrote time. We died; we weren't supposed to be alive in this world.

PK: But DN mentioned that we'd be alive in this world.

GT: That's not how the chord works. People who are dead in the real world are supposed to remain dead. My parents are alive.

PK: So are mine. This world is crazy, I mean Debo is the president of the world.

GT: I know

PK: and M is the vice president of the world.

GT: Yeah, I kn... Wait, what? M!? M is alive?

PK: Turns out he is.

GT: We need to find the rest of the team. Get EK, I'll get ET. We'll look for PC and ML the second and the others.

PK: Alright, but EK cannot fight, we don't know about the others. What if they all can't fight?

GT: Then we'll teach them in the short amount of time we have. We have to get the team, get the chord and turn things back to the way they were.

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