"He Would've Liked You"

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*Adds a lil' spice to the roleswap aus of Scott and Xornoth* 😈

Also, they/them pronouns for Xornoth


Third Person's P.O.V.

Whispers followed Jimmy as he made his way through the main streets of Rivendell. The elven citizens didn't even try to hide that they were whispering about him. Jimmy couldn't blame them. He stuck out like a sore thumb among the pristinely dressed elves due to his traditional Codlands attire. However, that was not the only reason all the elves stared after him. Murmuring among themselves in a manner that was much unlike the stoic and poised nature all citizens of the mountainous empire possessed.

The ruler of Rivendell, Xornoth Major, invited him here to finalize an alliance.

Jimmy hardly believed it himself when the purple haired ruler approached him at the last mass meeting of all the empires. The other ten rulers were quite shocked as well. Though, not all of them showed it outright. The Wither Rose alliance however, did not withhold their surprise. A hushed conversation almost immediately broke out among the four members as Xornoth proposed an alliance between Rivendell and the Codlands.

Rivendell is quite the prestigious empire. They are well known for their wealth as gold does not only adorn their king, but every last citizen that resides within its bounds. Despite the regularly harsh weather conditions, Rivendell has never had to rely on another empire to help them during times of famine. Not since its very early founding days that is. Their surplus of wool for export is quite impressive considering how much they need for themselves. Not to mention the other little things that show just how renowned Rivendell really is.

As such, they don't ally with just anyone. The alliance has to be mutually beneficial otherwise such a proposal would never be made in the first place. As it stands, Jimmy's empire is the smallest and considered the weakest of the twelve. In terms of resources, the Codlands really doesn't have much it can offer to Rivendell. The most the frosty empire would get out of an alliance with the swamp empire is cheaper rates on slime, another option for elven refugees to evacuate to in the case of a war or coup against the crown, though a far one at that, and some subpar reinforcements in the event Rivendell needs military aid.

With all of that in mind, why ally with the Codlands at all? It just didn't make any sense! Yet, here Jimmy was. Standing before the gilded gates of Rivendell's well embellished palace. One guard scuttled further inside the building's grounds upon spotting him as the remaining two opened the gates. Allowing the Codfather to step inside before shutting them once again.

"Welcome to Rivendell your highness," a fairly young woman, by an elf's lifespan, greeted with a curtsy, "Right this way please."

Jimmy gave her a small nod and a gentle smile before falling in line with her as she led him through the palace. As they walked, Jimmy couldn't help but glance around and marvel at the castle's interior. Much like the rest of the empire, gold was almost always in sight. It adorned fixtures on the walls and was woven into tapestries. Ornate chandeliers made of carefully sculpted ice crystals hung from the high ceilings. The light refracting off of it cast little rainbows onto all the surfaces it could. It made the chilly empire feel just a bit warmer.

"Here we are," the servant guiding Jimmy said coming to a stop, "King Major is waiting for you on the balcony just beyond this door."

"Right," Jimmy said, remembering why he was here in the first place, "thank you."

The elf curtseyed, her golden earrings jingling faintly as she politely lowered her head. She then turned on her heels and went back whence she came. Leaving Jimmy by himself in front of the balcony door. Said door being the only thing separating him from the man who'd invited him for reasons Jimmy couldn't even begin to fathom.

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