🖤Chapter 12🖤

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"Hey," Eve choked on his breath when he heard the softest whisper. 

He wondered whether he was dreaming, and he almost believed it when Alpha tilted his head and smiled at him. 

A smile that appeared as warm and gentle as a ray of sunlight in winter that appears rarely. A tender and an unthreatening smile that hypnotised Eve and made him doubt his own reality. 

"I was waiting for you?" asked a beaming voice with a hint of mischievousness in it. 

When Eve didn't make any move to speak and just kept staring at him with big innocent eyes, Alpha chuckled and put the juice on his bed, and stood up stretching his defined and firm body. 

Waiting for him? But why? Eve took a cautious step back. It's not good for him if the devil himself was waiting for him. What if he wanted to make things even with him for his disrespect from earlier? Eve shivered at the thought of going through the same as that boy because, based on Alpha's expression earlier, it appeared that one punch from this devil would end Eve's life.

And why is he smiling like a menace? Did he lose it completely after almost killing that kid? Or is this some kind of trick to lure him with his smile and then teach him a lesson? Eve couldn't understand.  

“Hey, are you alright?” Eve squealed like a wet squirrel when a tall shadow suddenly hovered over him and whispered, so lightly and softly that he almost missed it. When did he get here? 

Eve choked on his breath as his face paled, his nerves fraying from the unexpected closeness between his flushed face and a buffed naked chest. The rising waves of fear in his stomach, as well as the rising blush on his cheeks, did not help matters either. 

He looked up in a frightened but courageous manner but immediately sucked in a breath, when his eyes met Alpha's silver-brown ones, which were heavy as if tired and slightly red as if drugged. Eve couldn't take his eyes off the handsome face of the devil and felt as though his heart would burst out of his chest at any moment. He gasped as he grew warm from the closeness even though the body of his trapper was insanely cold. 

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I'm trapped. What if he tried to kill me again? 

"Ah–!" When Alpha extended his hand, Eve squeezed his eyes shut and let out a loud shriek. 

He hurriedly backed away to protect himself, but fortunately, his back hit the wall, leaving him with nowhere to run. He let out a muffled gasp, when he felt the coldness of the wall. 

When he opened his eyes, they were met with familiar dark eyes that were no longer beaming. 

He almost fell over when Alpha charged forward, trapping him between the wall and his incredible height. Eve's heart raced, and goosebumps appeared all over his body as redness crept up his neck.

Alpha rests his hand near Eve's head and bends slightly down to meet his eyes. "You didn't answer my question?" He inquired softly, and Eve blinked as his heart almost immediately crumbled at the gentleness of his voice, as if he was hearing a lullaby.

He wiped his hands on his shirt as a heated stimulation ran through every nerve in his body. He began to panic and question his conscience, wondering if he was seeing and hearing things correctly. Was this another of his nightmares? Because Alpha acting rather than his usual scary side, scared him more.

"I-I-I," He tried his best, but it's as if he even forgot how to form a word. 

"Are you afraid of me?" Alpha sweetly let out in a tender tone that had Eve hyperventilating as the poor and cowardly soul couldn't tell if he was getting played on or not. As his cheeks burn, he nervously bites his lips. Afraid of him? He's kidding, right? Everyone in this school is terrified of him, so how could he not be? "Well, that's adorable."

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