★Oh no★

541 13 80

Ok how the FUCK do i keep ending up in these situations, i woke up on Wilbur's chest AGAIN FUCK ugh 

I got up and went straight to my room to get some new clothes and i had to look presentable because at noon i had to meet up with Chandler my brother, my friend Kate and Charlie my bestay ( .-. slayy i lost my bestfriend AHHHHH *cries* ) 

I went to the bathroom after changing into something 'Nice' y'know and i looked in the mirror to brush my hair like a normal person but when i went to i saw something, something that i did not want, SOMETHING NO ONE WANTS TO SEE AFTER THEY SLEEP NEXT TO THEIR CRUSH, FRIEND OR WHATEVER 

"Oh no, no, no, no, no fuuuuuck" I said as i tried to rub it off but guess what it was not a jam stain, a chocolate stain OR ANYTHING THAT COULD COME OFF 

"Why the fuuck do i have a hickey on my neck?" I asked myself in the mirror and i was not happy AT     ALL but luckily Mimi and i share a bathroom because its a 2 bed, 1 bath type of apartment for 2 people but we make it work y'know? but back to being lucky that we share a bathroom so Mimi sometimes wears Makeup for 'Special occasions' like going on a date, wedding, funeral or going to a club nothing else really so she has 

"YES shit contour" I said as i stood up straight and i knew this shit covers up bruises and marks because she uses it to cover up bags under her eyes when she's hung over and has a lecture so it works and for bruises she doesn't have a partner but she has well WE have many chaotic friends who hit and once i got hit in the face it was funny and i had a bruise, we didn't want people to think i was being abused so guess what MAKE UP and it worked ANYWAY 

I got some of it on my finger and applied it to the VERY unwanted hickey and like my normal neck it was wait wait eh hem GOONE YES HAHAHAHAHAHA 

i walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen to get some coffee in my veins and some delicioso  food, i put some water in the kettle and debated about putting it on because i might accidently wake up the sleeping prince neeh that fucker gave me a hickey i'll give him a rude awakening

"CHEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" The kettle roared rudely awakening the sleeping Wilbur  

"RISE AND SHINE YOU SOFT BOY, FUCK BOY" i yelled as i smiled at him and laughed slightly 

"You really think you can leave a fuckin hickey on my neck and get away with it?" I said as i shook my head and Wilbur looked at me like i just exposed that he was a gay male stripper to his Christian parents (Ok just saying this was a metaphor and a joke don't get offended it is a joke and nothing personal to anyone so don't think i am trying to be mean ok <3 )  

"Good Morning ursine i am i don't even fuckin know anymore its 7 in the morning and i already feel drunk" Mimi said as she walked out of her room and stared at me 

"Ha you have to meet up with your brother, Spider and CHARLIEEE" Mimi said laughing about Charlie because last time we saw her or i met up with her she took my car keys and ran, so that meant i had to RUN or well jog and pant and then sprint after her because bitch i wanted my keys then i tackled her and got my keys back :3 great success

"Shut the fuck up at least i got my keys back from her and also i ran soo bonus point to me" I said pointing to myself and pouring myself a coffee  

"Can i have so-" 

"Already on it Tinky Winky" I said smiling to myself as i waited for her to realize the joke 

"Wait OH YOU FUCKIN AHH GFGFGF I AM NOT THE PURPLE TELLY TUBBIE" She said hitting me in the arm and them took her coffee

"HAHA your hair reminds me of them its a compliment" I said giving her the tilted head, smile smile the ones mums give you when you embarrass them in public but they can't yell at you because your in public and she wont be known as the 'Cool' and 'Fun' Mum anymore but known as a Karen 

"Suure it is meany poo" She said sipping her coffee  

"Suck it up Miriam" I said giggling as i sipped my coffee silently 

"what.. did.. you.. just.. call.. me?" 'Miriam' said as she turned her head slowly towards me 

"nothing" I said in a quiet voice because i knew she was going to beat the shit out of me 

"Thats what i fuckin thought BIIOTCH" She said in a weird accent like i couldn't put my finger on it but all i know that it was weird very very weird 

"Ahahaah oh should i be scared?" I said as i slowly stepped away from her 

"Yes" Mimi said as she sipped and looked at me through her eyes and just stared at me not even blinking just blank S T A R R I N G into my soul ( ik that prolly not how you spell it but just vibe with it ok good 👌) 

Mimi did a little hair flick at me put her coffee down 

"Thanks for the coffee it was noiiice" Mimi said putting her mug down and walked to her room 

"See yaa" I said as she slipped into the pit of purple lights or purple void better known as Tinky Winky land  

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a Red Bull from it and walked over to Wilbur and placed it Infront of the sleepy man and he gave me a sweet smile back and i gave him a slight smile because eh hem LOOK AT MY NECK 

I sat down next to him and for a few hours i watched TV but at 11:10 i got up and told Wilbur he should go because i had to i walked to Mimi's door and knocked 

"I gotta go have a great day Mim's and were getting chicken and chips for dinner and you have no say in that what so ever" I said as i leaned on her door 

"OK HAVE A GREAT TIME STAY SAFE BESTIE BYE WILBUR" She yelled back as i walked to the door 

Suddenly Wilbur turned me around and kissed me on the lips..... 


HAHAAH love leaving y'all hanging its kind funny 

anyways hope you guys are well and safe, love you all so much and stay safe 

also for any of my fellow Aussie mates stay dry it has been pissing down today  👀

love youu xx 

1175 words 

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