Chapter 01 Urgent Urgent Urgent!

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A single text was typed out in the edit box of the forum.

The white haired girl swiped the enter key, the text was sent, and an additional posting was instantly made in the forum.

"... This session of netizens is really unreliable."

After almost five minutes of waiting, the reply content was in a hundred different colours, and Mu Yi in front of the computer was so angry that she took off her pyjama hat, most of her hair was hidden in the hood, and a few snow-colored hair strands were hanging naughtily in front of her forehead.

Impatience filled her extremely beautiful face, her scarlet eyes reflecting the shimmering light of the screen and squinting slightly thin.

The post "What should I do if I wake up as a girl? Waiting online, it's really urgent!

What else does she need to do to show her anxiety?

Yesterday was fine, Mu Yi was completely confused, both sides of her face were still gushing with pain and haloed with red marks.

She had pinched herself, the hard kind!

Gritting a mouthful of silver teeth, she looked at the screen, where netizens were still commenting mindlessly.

Someone said, "Don't panic, don't panic yet, my cat turned into a girl yesterday too and is playing a game together.

Some people said, the old man upstairs is right, you do not panic first, calm down, send me your address privately, I come to the door to discuss with you properly, do not misunderstand, simply explore to discuss.

Some people say, anxious anxious anxious I am more anxious than you, quickly tell me how you changed, I just abducted the neighbour's white rabbit home, already in online shopping stockings!

The internet is no place for illegal souls.

"Expect to find the answer on the forum, I just, must have had a sudden headshake."

As the floor continued to gain height, Mu Yi, with a cold face, exited the forum.

Initially, she had the idea that she was not a special case.

So before going into the forum, she went to different search engines and searched with various keywords.

After a search, she only found various indescribable benko fanfics, various works of homo flesh and other restricted works.

After getting the results, Mu Yi's first reaction was to rush into the bathroom, pulling her hair and sniffing it, peeling it back and looking at it, opening her mouth and checking her body over and over again with her clothes off.

She was scared.

Afraid that something from those pieces would appear on her too.

Like a pattern on her stomach, fangs in her mouth, a pair of animal ears on her head, a tail on the back of her ass...

But thankfully she had none of those!


"But is it possible that it's just a chronic change..."

Curled up on the couch, Mui slumped back, sinking deep into the softness.

And so it went, lying there for a while, still any no strange sensations in her body.

It was the first time something like this had happened to Mui, but it wasn't the first time she'd encountered something that she couldn't fix, before she would have smothered it and tried to figure it out, but now...

I am not your domesticated kittenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat