0.9: Background Of Maki

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Half Wolfblood

"手のひらの下の草が涼しくて湿っている感じがします。 前夜は雨が降っていました。 でもなんでこんな気分なんですか?" (The grass beneath my palms feels cool and wet. It had rained the night before. But why do I feel like this ?)


Maki sat in his backyard with his mother. You see, Maki was a wolfblood. Someone who completely transforms into a wolf. His mother gently caressed his head. "You're worried. I can tell." His mother was relatively calm for someone who hasn't seen her husband since he disappeared behind the tree line into the woods. 

Maki nodded slowly as he found comfort in his mother' touch. "心配です。 父はもう2、3時間行っていません。" (I am worried. Dad has been gone a few hours.) His mother sighed as she still caressed her son's head. She hoped the gesture would somewhat calm his worries. "You are making yourself anxious, Maki. Your father knows what he is doing."

Truthfully, this was all implied. Maki' father never was gone for hours on end on the regular. His father was a wolfblood fully connected to his abilities, whereas Maki was only half due to his mother being human. 

"Why aren't you worried, Mom ? Your husband has been gone for hours... Longer than usual...", Maki asked as he let out another deep sigh. His mother stared at the darkness behind the trees in anticipation. "あなたのお父さんを信じています、あなた。 なぜそうしないのですか?" (I trust your father, sweetheart. Why do you not ?)

It was a simple question, but Maki couldn't shake feeling as if something was off. Were his instincts failing him ?

A few quiet moments passed before my dad broke past the trees in an excited run. What had happened ? I stood up with my mother to greet him. "You waited up ? You didn't have to wait up for me." My mother was calm, but I was inadvertently upset about it. "Why were you gone so long ? You never take that long, Dad..."

My mother looked shocked that I asked such a question, but my father looked all too excited to address my angry mood. "We'll discuss thing tomorrow. Off to bed."

That was the end of it....

- シャドウ·シティです - (The Shadow City) | &TEAM FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now