rivals... (S. 1, Ep. 1)

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{ If you didn't read the description, please go ahead and read it, thank you! }


Edd was walking around, entering an alleyway to use as a shortcut, not long after, he was soon to be surrounded by people who craved to harm a person, Edd looked around for an exit, not seeing one and ended up freaking out, seconds before he could be hurt, a black and gold hooded person came down from a ladder, jumping in the middle of where Edd was, this was one of the rivals of the people who surrounded Edd "shit! It's a winged!" one of the group members shouted, there wasn't many people there to take out a single winged person, the group ended up scattering away from the black and gold hooded person, leaving way for him and Edd to leave the area

Hours later, Edd was brought home by the hooded guy, being given a phone number for the guy he walked back home with, days go by, Edd dials the number, hearing the same voice he heard all those days ago "hello, Trix speaking from the Skylight Clouds, how may we help you?" Edd heard on the other line, getting a lump in his throat when he went to reply "h- hey! It's Edd..." Edd's voice cracked a little as he spoke, Trix ignored the crack and smiled hearing from the kid he helped days ago "well, it's been awhile, how ya holdin' up, Edd?" Trix asked, happy to be speaking to Edd

A bit of time goes by, Edd was waiting outside for Trix to arrive, Eduardo spotted him while walking out with a can of diet cola, immediately deciding to tease and annoy him with every word he spoke, a few words in, Eduardo was interrupted by a car pulling up and parking behind Edd's car with a honk, Edd looked at the car with a smile, Trix exited the car with another male, his little brother who got out of the car with excitement to be meeting new people "Tyson, calm down, please" Trix said as he picked Tyson up placing him on his shoulders heading over to Edd who held his smile, almost with a heart beat, Eduardo got to teasing the new people just for hanging out with Edd

"Jeez, you don't have to make fun of everyone I hang out with, Eduardo, just please be respectful to these two" Edd said, hope shown on his face "lemme think, uh... No!" Eduardo said laughing afterwards, Tyson silently started to cry, covering his head with his hood "does he always bully you guys?" Trix asked, getting his response from Edd who seemed to worry for Tyson a little bit as Tyson cried, now being pulled into Trix's caring arms, Trix looked at Eduardo with a murderous glare that scared him a small bit, but he hid the fear from him, an hour goes by, Matt and Tyson were entertaining each other with games they had invented as Trix was chatting with Edd in the kitchen

"So, what you're saying is by us hanging out today, Tyson can stay a night here?" Edd asked, Trix nodded in response, later on, a sleepy Tom entered the kitchen making his way to the fridge, seconds later, he looked at Trix with slight annoyance and shock "is that a new person? Edd, stop looking to make friends with random people!" Tom said, expressing his annoyance with Trix's presence being there "I don't advise you listening to assholes like that, Edd, and sounds like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, relatable" Trix said, showing his somewhat asshole-ish side to the two in the kitchen with him, a little while later, Trix, Edd, and Matt talked before Trix allowed Tyson to stay with the four, leaving Edd in charge of keeping his eyes on Tyson

"If he gets lost, or isn't behaving well, call me and I'll help out, if he gets hurt though, he'll be fine, but do still inform me, he is still important to me" Trix said before heading off and driving off back to Skylight Clouds, parking in his parking space, going back on call duty, meanwhile, Tyson was with Edd, Matt, Tom, and Tord, Tord ran out of his room upon hearing a child's laughter "Edd! Did you adopt a fucking child!?-" Tord shouted, accidentally scaring Tyson who accidentally threw a cup at Tord out of reaction "OW!" Tord shouted again, covering the area that was hit "hah! You deserved that, commie" Tom said with a small chuckle, later at night, Tyson was able to sleep in Edd's room, feeling the most safety with him instead of anyone else

~ To Be Continued! ~


That's part one for y'all, and I have about... Three more books I'm working on, and I know I should be working on all the books I have currently, but I'm giving them some time away from my chaotic ass, and I know I should add warnings, but a few stories wouldn't hurt without warnings, right? Hope you all enjoyed reading this, hope you all have an amazing day/night, and I love you all! /P
Written by: Panic.

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