gun training! (S. 1, Ep. 2)

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{ If you didn't read the description, please go ahead and read it, thank you! }


The next morning arrived, Edd awoke to Tyson not being in bed as he was supposed to be, Edd jumped out of bed, worried about the kid, looking for him, only finding him with Tom, Matt, and Tord, Tyson was sat on top of the fridge 'how- why- huh?!' Edd thought, the other three looked at Edd, snickering at Edd's mind processing why Tyson was on the fridge "Edd, we all had the same reaction to him being on the fridge" Tom said with a giggle afterwards, Tyson giggled as the four were all now there, Tyson then jumped down worrying the four of them as he did so, but he didn't show a sign of pain after he landed on the ground peacefully, a few hours go by, Trix was now there to pick up Tyson, but the four begged for him to stay a few more days

"Alright, but I'm staying too, now you have two people to watch, heheh" Trix said, making the four happy Tyson was staying for a bit longer, two days go by, Trix and Tyson went to the store as the four were playing around outside, play fighting for a small bit, when Trix and Tyson returned from the store, the only thing they bought was candy for Tyson, the two returned and saw the four being bullied by the neighbors who thought they were better than the four "hahahah! At least our house isn't always dirty or smelly!" Eduardo said, Trix immediately saw two of the four's heads go down, Tyson ran over to the two and shared his candies as Eduardo glanced over to see Trix's face and gorgeous ocean blue eyes that almost glowed in the sunlight

Trix had a bright smile on his face as he looked proud of his own brother, a few hours go by, night had fell upon the small town in London, Trix was laying on the couch as he was on the leg of Tord's, both were watching TV, trying to get a little bit tired so they could sleep, Tord then yawned from tiredness setting in, Trix yawned as well and curled up in a ball on Tord who wanted to get up before Trix did this, Trix had passed out after thirty seconds and lightly snored, the next morning, Trix awoke to Tom reading newspapers he kept near his chair and Tord who seemed awake after sleeping in a somewhat comfortable position he had almost all night, Trix felt Tord's hand on his shoulder and moved his freehand to his own shoulder, placing it on Tord's hand, letting him know he was awake or starting to wake up

"Well, morning, sleep talker" Tord said with a small chuckle, Trix's body immediately froze as Trix realized he was indeed a sleep talker and bolted up off the couch, getting blurry vision and light headed from getting up to quickly, almost falling backwards before Tord caught him "easy, there isn't anything bad with sleep talking, Edd and Matt do it too, relax" Tord reassured him and let Trix's light headedness wear off as Trix lightly laid his head on his chest, Tyson then jumped out from behind the couch with an accent, trying to mimick Tord's accent "hello, friends!" Tyson said, falling onto the cushions of the couch, seeing Trix in Tord's arms and lap "oh, that's cute! Anyway, I have a gun!" Tyson said, Tom immediately set down the newspaper and snatched the gun away from Tyson

"We don't need our butts in trouble with Edd if you shoot someone or something, no guns" Tom said being stricked with Tyson, Trix casually pulled out his gun and cocked it aiming it at Tom's feet, purposely shooting once "ah! What the fuck!" Tom shouted, looking pissed at Trix who Snickered at his reaction "it's funny seeing people react, also, be careful with my brother, oh and, watch your fucking mouth" Trix responded, Tord and Tyson giggled seeing how pissed Trix made Tom, three hours go by, Trix was outside with Tyson, showing him how to properly fire a gun using paper targets, Trix was on one knee while being behind Tyson, guiding his little brother through perfect positions to fire at the target without missing unless it was on purpose and to scare the person he was trying to shoot

Eduardo then heard two shots from outside and rushed out to yell at the two who had the firearms, seeing it was Trix and Tyson "really? Who gave these two morons guns?! They aren't even using them properly!" Eduardo said, though he was false, the two were using them extremely properly, Trix then picked up his sniper, cocking it and aiming it passed Eduardo's head, firing it as Eduardo opened his eyes to see it, Eduardo stood frozen in fear as Trix let out a sigh and began to laugh like a maniac, Tom and Tord ran out in fear to see what happened, seeing Trix's reaction to firing the big boy, Tom looked at Eduardo who was fearing his life and just standing in shock "the hell happened to him?" Tom asked, getting Trix to look at him with a big ass smile plastered on his face

"I shot right passed his ear! This sniper is my personal gun and I haven't shot it ever since the damn army!" Trix said, happy to finally had shot his sniper once again as he laughed more like a maniac "that gun is a loud one, do you think Edd and Matt heard that from where they are?" Tyson asked after pointing out the obvious about the sniper Trix shot, suddenly, Eduardo fainted out of the blue, two hours go by, Trix was now in the kitchen, he had took his sniper apart to polish it a little bit, putting it back together as Edd and Matt walked in finally after being told by Eduardo that he was almost shot in the head "guys, we're home! And stupid Eduardo told us he was almost shot! Tord, you're the only one with guns here, so I blame y-!" Edd said, interrupting himself as he looked over seeing Trix finished with polishing the metal on his sniper "I take it back... Sorry, Tord-" Edd said, a little scared of Trix

~ To be Continued! ~


Yep- this is better than what I was about to add, so this counts! Eduardo fucking deserved that little scare too, he's an asshole, so why not, right? Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed reading this episode, hope you all have an amazing day/night, love you all! /P
Written by: Panic.

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