Hints & secrets (S. 1, Ep. 3)

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{ If you didn't read the description, please go ahead and read it, thank you! }


A little time passes after Trix had put away his guns, putting the duffle bag somewhere nobody could find it, Trix, Tyson, Edd, and Matt were now playing with each other, passing a ball around like it burnt them, a few hours go by, Edd was heading to bed after Tyson was asleep in his bed, after Edd climbed into bed, he felt something poke his arm, pulling it out of his sleeve, seeing it was a black, blue, and purple feather, he thought it was unusual since he hadn't been around any birds at all, the next day, Tyson was up early along with Trix, both were in the bathroom for a few minutes, cleaning up each other's wings from the molting feathers on each other's wings, Trix was luckily singing so it informed whoever needed the bathroom to sit and wait, but luckily, nobody else was awake at the moment Trix and Tyson were doing clean up on each other's wings, a few hours go by, the six were all awake, out of nowhere, Trix noticed a feather fall off Tyson's hoodie, one of Tyson's feathers that revealed his colors

Before Trix could get it out of sight, it was too late, Edd already picked it up "oh hey, another one of those feathers, where do they keep appearing from?" Edd asked himself, unaware of anything, later on, Edd found a Black feather with gold on it, seeing it matched Trix's jacket unlike the black, blue, and purple feathers that matched nobody, Edd then started showing Tom the feathers, showing him the black and gold one, a few weeks go by, suddenly, Trix was sitting alone on the couch, trying to watch TV in peace, suddenly getting the feeling of eyes watching him from outside, Trix slightly looked at the window, spotting Eduardo before he could duck out of sight, Trix got up and walked outside to meet Eduardo looking at him, both looked at each other for a while until Eduardo let out a nervous laugh and ran back to his house, Trix had a scary look on his face, letting it fade to a nicer and sweeter look before he went back inside, closing the curtains this time to sit on the couch in peace

The next morning, Tom poked at Trix's face after being dared to try by both Edd and Tyson, Trix ended up awaking to the first poke and grabbing Tom's hand on the second poke, Trix let out a gentle growl as he softened his grip on Tom's wrist, Tom gently held Trix's hand up, leaving him to sleep like that "he's sleeping with me holding his hand, that's a little funny" Tom said as Edd took a picture of the wholesome moment, later on, Tord picked up a book and slammed it a little hard on the coffee table, startling Trix awake as he softly squeaked out of nowhere, the four who didn't know Trix could squeak looked at him with different reactions "You can squeak?!" The four say in sync, a small bit of time passes by, Trix and Tyson stroll on over to an abandoned park, bigger than the park they know and love, but this was the park perfect for taking flight, Trix and Tyson removed their hoodies, hiding them in the empty bins that nobody checked because barely anyone visited the empty abandoned park

Trix picked up Tyson, tossing him into the air letting him learn how to use his wings and he spreads his own wings to flap them a little bit and he started to hover above Trix for a little bit, they both giggled with each other as Tyson slowly came down, the two did this everyday after informing the four they'd be out of the house for a few hours, later on, Trix was teaching Tyson more on how to fly, holding him as he flew above the peaceful town, gliding every so often so Tyson can feel the wind in his wings, both were happy to be there in the skies for as long as they needed to be, a little bit of time goes by, the two make a landing on the ground and saw a red hooded person immediately as he spoke something in his thick accent, it was Tord looking for the two, the two immediately take off again giving it more time so Tord didn't see them, two hours go by, Tord wasn't in the abandoned park anymore, allowing Trix and Tyson to land again, both got their jackets on, covering their wings again

A little bit of time goes by, the two end up returning home later than wanted to, Trix and Tyson met a worried Edd at the door who immediately hugged the two, they both felt comfortable and hugged back, a few days go by, while Tyson was having trouble with sleeping and Trix had him in his arms, everyone else was already asleep and off to dream land, so Trix had free access to his own magic, Trix only used half of it as he sang to his little brother, after Tyson fell asleep after the peaceful singing, Trix stopped his magic, gently smiling and kissing his brother's forehead, the next day in the afternoon, Trix and Tyson were in the abandoned park, using their peaceful magic to enjoy a peaceful day that had to be ruined when the two were heading home with a white van following the two, Trix saw this and picked up his little brother, beginning to sprint away, luckily, Trix recalled the three neighbors being out for a bit, so he ran there, asking them to hide them quickly, the three did as asked and it was successful as the van drove by

"The hell did the van want with you two?" Mark asked with a small bit of concern, Trix explained everything and the three understood the small situation though they did seem curious to who the hell wanted to hurt two innocent people for no reason, two years go by, Tyson's wings started molting again, this time a lot more feathers came off his wings and he was full of worry, Trix remembered the first time this happened to him and he had a panic attack, luckily able to relax afterwards from it, Trix helped Tyson with his heavy molting and reassured him that it was normal for his wings to do that, a few months went by, Tyson's feathers grew back, letting his wings look much bigger and powerful to hold him in the skies, one day, while Trix and Tyson were heading out, Tord and Edd followed them for suspicion on the two being winged "Edd, they're not winged, if they were, they wouldn't be hiding it for a little over a year!" Tord whisper yelled, being corrected by Trix revealing his wings first

Tord and Edd gasped upon seeing Trix's wings, they had gasped a little bit too loudly making Trix hide his wings again and shout at the two who were watching "what the fuck are you two doing! You weren't supposed to see my wings!" Trix explained, Tord and Edd came out from the treeline, meeting a pissed Trix who wasn't happy with the two spying on both him and Tyson "Trix, it's alright, they need to know now than them knowing later" Tyson said, taking his jacket off, showing his wings to the two who were happy to see how gorgeous both of their wings were, Trix sighed and agreed with Tyson, later taking his jacket off, allowing his wings to show as Edd and Tord were astonished to Trix's wings being a little bit bigger than Tyson's wings "oh yeah, you four don't have to hide it, I know you guys are winged to, I found out from watching Edd change out of his hoodie into a shirt, and if you want, I can put holes in the back of your shirts you don't like!" Tyson said with a bright smile on his face, Tord and Edd looked at each other, first seeming shocked, but smiled afterwards, Trix didn't know they were winged and thought Tyson was joking about it

"Hey! Tom doesn't have wings!" Matt said out of the blue, making Trix flinch a little bit, Matt had followed Tord and Edd to see what they were doing, a few moments go by, the five were chatting away with each other on a cloud and talking about things they'd usually talk about at home, meanwhile with Tom, Tom was alone with his thoughts and just resting his head unlike from when he couldn't do so, Tom later passed out for a while to get some rest until everyone else was home, back with the others who were still chatting, Tyson then pulled Trix to the side, asking him to fly with him, Trix accepted, allowing Tyson to fly on his own after Tyson said he was ready to fly alone, alongside Trix incase something bad happened, the rest of the three watched in amazement to see a kid such as Tyson flying for the first time and able to control his movements in the sky, hours later, the five were on the way home, laughing with each other as they were making jokes with each other, soon enough, Tord, Edd, Matt, and Tyson sat on the couch as Trix went looking for Tom, finding him sleeping in his bed, Trix smiled and covered him with a blanket so he could be warm over night, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead, acting like Tom's parental figure for a moment

~ To Be Continued! ~


Twist! The four do have wings, Tom's hiding his wings because he never liked them (I had inspiration from another story, but I'm trying not to copy it's storyline, hopefully I'm doing well QwQ), anywho, hope you all enjoyed reading this episode, hope you all have a wonderful day/night, love you all! /P
(Also, P.S: They live with each other now, Trix quit his job and is now searching for a new one that allows him stress breaks, have fun with that information! ^w^)
Written by: Panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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