Chapter 1

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A/N: Your outfit above)

The bell above the door chimed as another customer came through the door to reveal a woman around her early 30s with [H/C] wavy hair that fell around her shoulders as she slipped her shades onto the top of her head pushing some of her hair out of her face while doing so, glancing around the beachside bar she spotted her soon-to-be crew mates over by the pool table and then an old face she hadn't see for awhile sat at the bar drinking a beer, a smile slipped onto her face seeing the old rival of her godfather.

Walking over to the bar she took a seat next to the older pilot as she put her hand up to catch the attention of the woman working the bar before ordering herself a drink, Maverick glanced over to the woman next to him only to let a chuckle out seeing who it was not expecting to see her in this type of place, soon the woman working the bar place her drink in front of her which she thanked the bartender for.

Maverick)"Wasn't expecting to see you in these parts Reaper"

"I could say the same for you Maverick"

She teased playfully with a smirk before she took a drink from her glass which held her vodka and tonic before placing the glass back down, hearing her reply Maverick couldn't help but let a laugh slip as he shook his head alittle at the woman's witty playful comment which he's missed alittle, they've both met on a couple of occasions for mission's and other thing's which built the playful competitive friendship between the two.

Letting her eye's roam the lively bar taking in all the loud noises and laughter her mind wondered to her godfather which was practically her best friend ever since she could remember but the one thing she was more worried about these days was his health which wasn't very good, without realising it her eye's had wondered over to the pool table where her new crew members for the up coming mission was all talking and laughing as they got to know one another but her eye's was locked on a certain overconfidence and cocky individual.

"Have you gone to see him recently?"

[Y/N] questioned as she side glanced over to Maverick that was taking a drink from his deer bottle which he placed back on the bar as he shook his head alittle as an indicator that he hadn't gone to see his old rival recently, with a click of her tongue in annoyance at her older friend's stobboness to give in and go see Iceman while he was still alive frustrated her to no end.

"You should while he's still kicking"

She warned him before downing the rest of her drink then got off her stool and made her way over to the pool table, the closer she got the more of there conversations she could hear which was them telling story's of some of the mission's that they've been on or thing's that they've done.

"And here I thought I was the only other person with an ego"

She teased playfully with smirk on her face as the group turned to see who it was that spoke but once they saw who it was Phoenix grew a big excited grin as she quickly rushed over to the other woman and jumped on her with a hug making [Y/N] laugh and smile as she returned the hug, after pulling out of the hug Phoenix playfully punched [Y/N]'s shoulder as she complained that she wasn't told about her also being on the mission too.

"Sorry firebird but this is a top secret mission after all"

Phoenix)"I know but it would've been nice to know I'm not the only girl on the team"

"True, very true. Let me introduced myself then, I'm [Y/N] Kerner and my callsign is Reaper-"

[Y/N] introduced herself before getting interrupted by the guy she was staring at from before, they may act like they haven't met before but actually they have and are in a rather serious relationship.

Hangman)"because you've got the most kills on mission's right?"

"Right like always babe"

She grinned playfully as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck happily as he put his arm's around her waist while a smile made it's way on his face, the rest of the group was shocked to see that the two unexpected people of the group was actually a couple that seemed to work well together.

[Y/N] placed a sweet kiss on his lips before removing her arm's from his next and turning to her boyfriend's best friend "Coyote", Hangman kept his arm's securely around his girls waist as the group picked up there conversations again but this time including [Y/N]'s exciting story's of some of her mission's she's been on over the year's, laughter and chatter filling the air again as they all talked and played pool.

It wasn't long until Rooster turned up in his hawian shirt and shorts exactly how she remembered him, a smile slipped onto [Y/N]'s face as she gently moved Hangman's arm from around her waist before making her way around the pool table and over to Bradley, he smiled once he saw her as he pulled the woman that he new most of his childhood into a hug.

Rooster)"Hey [Y/N] been awhile"

"Hahaha I'll say"

She teased as they pulled out of the hug as they shared a smile together before Hangman cleared his throat obviously not liking the two's interaction between them considering they are childhood friends and all, after alittle bit of chatter Rooster went over to the jukebox and pulled the plug which everyone in the bar complained about but once he sat down on the pianos bench then started to play a few key's, everyone's attention was on him.

Hearing her friend on the piano a big excited grin spread across her face as she pulled Phoenix over to the piano with her as some of the boys was alittle busy with getting rid of Maverick as he put his phone on the bar counter, [Y/N] and Rooster both sang together their favourite song "Great Balls Of Fire" and eventually everyone else joined in too.

For the rest of the night there was singing mixed with laughter and chatter filling up the air of The Hard Deck bar lifting everybody's spirits, eventually Penny had to close up for the night so last few people in the bar had to leave and this included one pisific couple that was hanging onto one another so they didn't fall over while waiting for their lift back to where [Y/N] was staying.

Once they finally made it to [Y/N]'s hotel room giggling about something stupid that they heard somebody say when they stumbled pasted them and soon as they got into the room they tumbled onto her bed all giggles and laughter, it was obvious they had one too many drinks but thst didn't stop them from having the time of their lives especially when they're finally together again after month's of being apart.

"Hahaha I love you Jaky! My very own personal pilot that's so hot! Hahaha"

Hangman)"I love you too my little grim reaper ~"

《Reaper》- TGM - J.S "Hangman" X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now