Chapter 2

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An alarm went off waking the groggy couple which was way too hungover to even move let along get ready for their first day of training for the mission they were placed on, [Y/N] was the first of the two too slowly untangling herself from Jake then got out of bed giving a yawn and a stretch before making her way to the bathroom for a shower.

Jake on the other hand groaned once the sound of running water hit his ears completely confused on where he was, looking around he spotted his and [Y/N]'s clothes that was thrown around the room the night before as they got alittle too carried away resulting in the two having sex, slowly bit and pieces of memories came crawling back to him about the night before.

"Look who's finally awake, I thought I had to drag you out of bed but thank god that I didn't have too, your ass weighs a ton"

Hearing the familiar playful sarcastic remark from the woman he loves ever so dearly Jake groaned slightly as he ran his fingers through his hair ad he sat up on the edge of the bed in the process of waking himself up, [Y/N] was already dressed in the required uniform and was fixing her hair into a messy bun when Jake finally managed to find the energy to get up and go shower, after the two was up and dressed [Y/N] grabbed her now packed suit case before they left the room and gave to key back to the front desk.

They called a cab to take them to the Hard Deck so she could pick up her car then drove them to the air base, when they finally made it there was only a few aviators already there so they weren't late which that a great start for the day, they found some seats next to Coyote and settled into them as the wait for everyone to arrive before they were introduced to the person responsible for training them for the mission at hand.

10 minutes pasted and everyone was now present before a low-ranking Admiral walked over to the podium that was place up front before addressing every one of the situations then introduced their instructor, Maverick walked down the center of the chairs as the Admiral was talking just reaching it after being introduced where he now stood behind the podium as he placed the FA-18 fighter Jet manual on the podium.

Maverick)"This is the book of everything they want you to know about your jets, I trust you all know it cover to cover."

As Maverick spoke, he patted the manual getting a few grumbles of agreement that they had read and know it off by heart by now before Maverick picked up the book walked over to the trashcan and threw it into the trash making all the aviators confused and shocked, all [Y/N] could do was shake her head at her older friend's actions already knowing what hes going to say and do.

Maverick)"Well, so does your enemy. You all have been told you are the best of the best your whole careers, when you have hardly any experience in what makes a good aviator"

He was blunt and straight to the point as he started to get into the groove of teaching and [Y/N] could see that but what she was more worried about was Rooster because him and Maverick aren't on the best of terms after Mav pulled his papers a few years back, feeling fingers slip and intertwine with hers she looked over to see Jake giving her a soft smile before putting his attention back on Maverick.

Maverick)"Your enemy may know the book, but they don't know one thing. He doesn't know any of your limits. I intent to find them and push them, push you to be better pilots than you already are"

Maverick glanced his eyes over all the pilots that sat in front of him until he spotted [Y/N] sat a row behind the front then spotted a not pleased Bradley near the back, seeing his best friend's son again after so long made mixed feelings arise but he managed to push those feeling to the back of his mind before getting back on track.

Maverick)"Now, only 4 positions are available in this mission, only the best will get to fly it. So today, show me what you think you know"

And with that being said Maverick called out the first lot of people that was going up first which was Rooster, Payback and Fanboy. Those three rushed to get ready while everyone else moved to a room they were told to go to and crowed around the radio which would tell them what was going on up in the sky, they could hear all the chatter and playful banter that was being said up in the air until Payback asked about a catch to training making it into a challenge instead.

Maverick obviously agreed to the penalty of 200 push-ups then the challenge was on, the sounds of struggle could evidently be heard over the radio as Rooster, Payback and Fanboy all maneuvered around to avoid getting hit back Maverick, but in the end, Rooster was the only one to get locked onto by Maverick.

 Once back on the runway Rooster started his push-ups, all 200 of them as the next pair was called to get ready by Maverick over the radio. Eventually all of them had gone up asept [Y/N] which was told by Maverick she'll be going up with Phoenix, so she jogged over to her Jet and got settled before asking control if she was cleared for launch and within 5 minutes, she was hurling through the air at top steads before steading it out to wait for Phoenix and Bod.

Maverick)"Evening Reaper, I'm looking forward to see what you've got"

"You better hope you've got your old man pants on Mav, because I'm going to beat you"

An amused chuckled was heard through the radio her helmet which made her smirk when she looked to her right and saw that Phoenix and Bob had made it into the air, giving Phoenix and Bob a thumbs up that they returned, the fight was on. Even before the words "Fights on" barely left Maverick's mouth [Y/N] had already veered off to her left with a roll before rocketing off into the distant. 

[Y/N] was in the zone as she listened carefully to the sounds and noises that came over her headset before she heard Phoenix over the radio panic once she saw Maverick on her tail, maneuvering her jet into the clouds [Y/N] observed Mavericks every move before she heard the tell-tale sound of Maverick getting ready to set lock on Phoenix when she pushed her jet into a nosedive, she cut straight through the gap between Phoenix and Maverick in rocketing speeds taking both of the pilots by surprise. 

"Come and get me old man"

[Y/N] taunted as put her jet into a roll over top of Maverick so they could see each other before rolling back up right and veering off to her right now with Maverick on her tail, the two maneuvered through the air, rolling and skillfully moving around the mountings that was near the airbase until the chase came to an end by an unexpected rock that crumbled away from the mountain side when she shot past. 

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Maverick I've been hit!"

Maverick)"Hit? By what?!"

"A fucking rock! Shit! Fuck!"

Her normal under control and collected demeaner whenever she was in a plane went out the window as she looked all over her dashboard to see warning signs and lights flash as her left engine started to malfunction, looking out to her wing she noticed that there was a whole where the rock fell on her jets wing as smoke started to pour out of it making her curse even more already regretting challenging Maverick like she did, Maverick instructed her to try and reboot her malfunctioning engine but nothing she did worked. 

Maverick)"Reaper watch where you're going!!"



《Reaper》- TGM - J.S "Hangman" X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon