Chapter 3

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Maverick)"Reaper come in?! [Y/N]! Respond!"

Back in the room where all the other aviators were the air hung heavy with anticipation and worry for [Y/N] as the radio crackled on her end without a sound or sign of life which made Hangman and Rooster alittle panicked for their friend and lover, but when faint heaving breaths was heard from her end of the radio everyone sigh and cheered in relief that she wasn't dead, Maverick asked if she was okay but her only reply was that she wanted out of her jet which made her older friends relieved that she was okay.

Once [Y/N] landed, well slightly crashed, onto the runway she popped the hatch of her cop pit and heaved the fresh air only now letting her nerves fully overtake her body making it tremble in fright of what was a way too close of a call, running her fingers through her hair after taking her helmet off she took a few calming breaths to steady herself so she could get out of her jet without falling.

When her feet hit the runway, her knees gave out sending her to the floor just as the rest of the aviators turned the corner of the hanger seeing the woman on her knees clutching her helmet at her knees making them all the more worried, but Maverick was the first to get to her as he had just landed not long after her. Maverick gripped [Y/N] by her shoulders as he checked her for any injuries before pulling her into a comforting hug which only set her off bawling as she clutched the back of his flight suit. 

Maverick)"You're okay, your safe now"

He whispered into her ear softly as she sniffed alittle before pulling out of the hug greatful for the comfort he was trying to give her but when her eyes locked with Jakes it was like her body moved on its own, she stumbled to her feet then took off running towards him dropping her helmet along the way before meeting him halfway and crashed into him wrapping her arms around his neck as he tightly wrapped his arms around her waist finally able to breath.

Jake)"I thought I lost you, don't ever do that to me again got it?"

"I can't granite it..... but I will try my best"

Maverick was only a few steps behind  [Y/N] and seeing how shooken up she was he made a decision that training was done for the day then sent everyone to get settled into their dorm rooms, patting the [H/C] woman's shoulder light as he pasted her telling her that if needed she could skip training tomorrow knowing all too well about her battle with PTSD, giving Maverick a greatful nod her and the other's started to make their way back inside.

Everyone kept asking is she was okay but she couldn't bring herself to reply truthfully, inside she put on a small smile and nod alittle before Jake whisked her away from everyone to her dorm room where soon as the door was shut she broke down, for most of the evening they both just layed on her bed with him comforting her by whispering reassuring words and promises.

They ordered take out which he went and collected from the base gates then brought back to her room. That night [Y/N] couldn't shut her eye's without a horrible past memories flash across the front if her mind, taunting her, she had ringing in her ear's but she still could vividly hear the sound that went with that memory. She couldn't stop them from replaying over and over again like some kind of broken record, so much so she started to blame herself for everything that went wrong on that mission and the lives lost.

In the end she got out of bed careful not to wake Jake and slipped on a jacket, going for a walk always helped to clear her mind but this time her old taunting memories wasn't budging from the front of her mind, stuck like glue; unmoving. Eventually she found herself standing infront of her jet, her [E/C] eye's taking in every battle scar that was placed on it from past mission's until her eyes landed on her callsign, Reaper.

She never knew where or when her callsign was created, it just happened one day because of an off comment by someone which so happened to stick, unfortunately. She didn't hate it nor love it, to her it was a sign, a permanent mark of what she's done and is capable of; killing people.

Suddenly the phantom pain of one of her old battle scars surged to the surface, a slight groan slipped her lips as she gripped the right side where a large scar resides, the scar started just below her hip then ends halfway up her side; she received that scar on her 2nd mission when she got shot down by an enemy jet into a wooded area, she survived but just barely.

"I miss you Ghost. Is only I did more then you'll be alive right now, you could of met your son and daughter then watch them grow up, im sorry its my fault your not here alive"

Ghost)"Yh, but you saved so many more lives Reaper"

She her his voice from beside her and she was shocked to see her best friend AJ standing there in his uniform like the last time she saw him before they both got shot down, she knew it wasn't real she knew it wasnt healthy, but she just wanted to talk to her best friend even for a moment before snapping herself back to reality; thst was enough for her.

A small smile slipped onto her face as her eyes eyes landed back onto her callsign, it was thanks to AJ thst it even existed in the first place and she was ever so thankful that his one sarcastic remark turned into something she could treasure forever with his memory.

"Thank you, AJ, for giving me a legacy to live up to and leave behind once I'm done with this world. If it wasn't for your sarcastic remark then I wouldn't have been given the Callsign Reaper, it was thanks to you that it even existed"

AJ)"Now your just putting too much glory to my name. It wasn't because of me, it was because of you; not me. I'm not the over-achiever, you are. Listen [Y/N], you have plenty of achievements of your own and you've got your father's legacy that your always living up too, that's great and all but it's not you.-"

Hearing his word's made [Y/N] slightly tence already knowing what's to come, your dead best friend was going to give her a lecture and reality check like he always did when he was alive, it litually gave her chills just thinking about it but hearing what has to say always clears her mind and helps her in some way.

"-Your that sassy, sarcastic, amazingly imperfect woman that has a tendency to strive for over-achieving; it's what makes you, you, but you also hate to let down your ego to ask for help. Stop being a drama queen and ask for fucking help every once and a while"

Hearing AJ sware so casually make a laugh slip alittle as tears started to gather in her eye's and with a sniffle they came rolling down her cheeks making her eye's, that only just started to less reden a few hours ago, yet again start turning red. Looking to her side she saw that AJ was gone and the faint sound of footsteps was heard from behind her but once she heard the familiar voice of Maverick she tensed up worried he'd heard her talking to herself, slowly turning around her eye's never left the floor not wanting to see her older friends face that would let his emotions be known on what he was thinking.

Maverick)"[Y/N], what are you doing here at this time of night? Are you alright? I thought I heard you talking to somebody"

"Nobody's here, it's only me. I'm sorry Mav, I'll be going to my room now it's quite late"

Before he could utter a word the [H/C] woman he watched grow up was already across the hanger and through the door which lead inside, he vaguely remembered hearing her talk to someone and calling them AJ, if thst was true then he'll have to confirm so before talking to anyone about removing her from the mission.

[Y/N] made it back to her room and from Jake sat awake on her bed that once he saw her he had a knowing look in his eye's then opened his arms silently beckoning her over to him, she settled down calmly laying beside him with her head on his chest while he wrapped one of his arm's around her waist and the other stroking his fingers through her hair slowly lulling the troubled woman to a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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