Chxpter 7 [Going Home]

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I leaned my head against the car window, everything felt blurry. The shouting, the camera flashes, were all too much. I wish Sasha was here to hold me... I bet she wishes I was there to hold her. Fuck. I'm a shitty friend, I'm out here parading around with a celebrity when my best friend is in a hospital, all on her on in a coma. I heard somewhere that when you're in a coma you can still hear everyone around you, you feel emotions, probably bad emotions by the way I've treated her. I need to calm down, it's only been a day since I've seen her, but what about now? I don't even know where I'm going! "Where are we going?" I demanded. The driver chuckled and Miley smiled. "The airport" she spoke softly, brushing her fingers through her short, soft hair. "That means... We're going far away. How far?" I asked, biting my lip. A smile grew on Miley's face. "Far enough". She grinned. What does that even mean? Sasha's going to be here on her own... She has no one. "B-but, where are we going?" I asked, sitting up straight. "Miley looked to the floor then looked into my eyes, she leaned forward and held my hand "Home, we're going home." She smiled, her eyes watering. My eyes filled with tears. "Miley, I don't have a home!" My voice cracked, as I tried to hold back tears. "And what about Sasha? Huh? I can't leave her!" I broke down in tears, I had been holding this in for too long now. "Stop the car..." Miley whispered, holding my hand. The driver pulled into a lay-by, which had a large patch of grass behind it, looking on to the city. Miley opened the door and I hobbled out, and fell down on to the grass, the warm breeze on my face, the grass ticking my legs. I could feel Miley sit down next to me, she moved my head on to her shoulder and brushed my chin. "Things are going to get better for you". She hushed. I had so much to say but every time I even tried to speak my voice would crack. "You have a home now, a family. You'll see. I have so much I want to teach you, show you, do with you". I could hear the faint sound of the engine running behind us and a group of finches tweeting. " And as for Sasha... We'll figure something out. I'm just not letting you stay out here on your own, you're strong but you'll crumble wandering the streets by yourself. You're special, Luna. My crescent moon. You have so much to offer this Earth. You love your best friend, but it's time to live your own life. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure she wakes up one day but until then, you're going to live life in the best way you can. Are you with me?". I sat up and faced Miley, my face felt sticky from tears but everything she said made sense. "I'm with you". I mumbled, my lip curling into the shape of a smile. Miley pulled me up to my feet and pulled me into a hug. For the first time in my life, I felt safe. I was going home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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