Chxpter 3 [UnConcious]

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Strobe lights flashed everywhere, each colour of the rainbow shone upon the stage. The beat of the music flowed through my entire body. I felt so free, so alive. Miley wildly bounced her head from side to side to the beat. " I don't want this night to end " expecting a response from Sasha but I got only silence from her. I turned my head to see her slumped down on her chair. "Sasha why are you sitting? Stand up!" I laughed, giving her a friendly shove. Her head fell against the arm rest and that's when I realised she was un conscious. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her roughly in attempt to wake her up. A security guard shuffled in our direction. "What's going on?" "My friend is un conscious..." The large man put Sasha into his arms and carried her past the stage and through a ' restricted looking ' door, I followed.

"The ambulance is on it's way" spoke a woman in black uniform. Her hair was slick back in a pony tail and she wore a strange headset. I clutched Sasha's hand tightly, it was so cold and she was entirely lifeless. "What's wrong with her?" My voice shook, hoping for a response from someone in the room. "I don't know, what is wrong with her?" Spoke an unfamiliar yet familiar voice behind me. I turned my head to see a girl with short blonde hair in a pink fur coat. It can't be... Miley? I've got to act cool...
"We're unsure of the problem Miss. Cyrus, All we know is she is unconscious. The paramedics will be able to tell us what's wrong when they arrive" Spoke a crew member. I felt a comforting touch on my shoulder. "And are you the girls friend?" Miley smiled with sad yet reassuring eyes. "Yes, I'm Luna. And this is... Sasha" I mumbled quietly, my voice cracking slightly. I always had high expectations for Miley, but never this high. She is so beautiful and so friendly... I'm proud to be a fan. I'm just glad the thought of loosing Sasha is out of my mind for a bit. She's the only person I have, my only friend. "We've just got to pray she'll be alright" Miley chirped, wiping a tear from my cheek with her fluffy pink sleeve. I nodded and forced a smile. The door burst open, two paramedics rushed into the room, they're bright fluorescent vests, blinding me. They heaved Sasha onto the stretcher then wheeled her out of the room. "Am I allowed to go into the ambulance with her?" "Are you a family member?" "No...Sasha has no family she talks to" "I'm sorry, if you're not related then it's a no" I stopped hurrying next to Sasha and watched her slowly fade out of my eyesight. "Come hang out in my dressing room, then we'll see about getting to the hospital to visit Sasha" Smiled Miley guiding me down the bright, white corridor.


A/N: Ahh they finally met :3 please vote and add to your library and stuff! It absolutely warms my heart when I see the reads go up, and increased votes! And all you need to do is press a little button haha c':
Hope you enjoyed!

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