🕯Chapter 1🕯

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(Boring ahh entering chapter 😔)



Your alarm had gone off a whole hour late

"Are you kidding?" You said aloud.
Today you were supposed to gather a few flowers for flora before heading to work at the Angel share Tavern where your main purpose was to serve guests and clean at after hours; now that you were so late, you had no time to help flora which made you think, "what a shame...Though I must get to work, I don't want Master Diluc to be mad or disappointed with me, I have a rather swell reputation with him.."

You decided to not get too caught up in thought and got out of bed, got dressed and made some food to eat on the way to the tavern.

Very soon after, left your house, making sure to not waste time, locking your door and making your way to the tavern that wasn't too far away from your house since you lived in mondstat.

You chose to avoid the way that flora was and took the root behind the alchemy store out of pure embarrassment of not being able to do the one thing you promised to do for her. You were certain you would've collected the flowers but given the situation you were in, surely it was understandable.

Entering the tavern, you were surprised to see Diluc out of his office.
(He usually takes night shift at the bar, and it was 11am)
You tried to avoid eye contact with him so you could just blend in with the crowd like you would usually do as not many people tend to notice you.
But he saw you.

He held eye contact with you for a few seconds which made you nervous for various reasons
'Is he going to fire me?'
'If only I had woken up at the correct time'
'I'm untrustworthy now, aren't I?'

Diluc walked over to you after excusing himself from a conversation with another employee.
"Y/n, good morning."
Good morning? Is he not mad? No, he must be, he's just waiting to build up tension
"I'm so sorry I was late Master Diluc, my alarm went off late and I was-"
"You have no reason to worry, Y/n I know you only mean good. Plus, you are my most trustworthy employee, I can let you off this time as it was only once."

"...I see... thank you, Master Diluc. I'm honoured to know you are able to trust me."
He let out a sigh as if he was holding a breath the whole time he was talking to you, it wasn't a sigh of relief nor of disappointment.
You both stayed silent for a couple seconds, the silence didn't feel awkward surprisingly, it felt quire calming and it calmed down your racing mind.

Diluc coughed to interrupt the silence so he could change subject.
"May I see you in my office after we close for the night, there is something I'd like to discuss with you."
You felt your face get hot as you thought of the reasons why he'd want to see you. There was a myriad of things he could say but you had your whole shift to think of that.
"Oh...Of course, Master Diluc" you responded.
"I look forward." He said, his face unchanging from his monotone expression but something felt different about him somehow.

You smiled at him as he left to go back to his office and were surprised when he smirked back slightly. It was one of the first times you had seen his expression change, and it was because of one of your actions.

You smiled at yourself and lowered your head so people would not see your face.

Soon, you knew you had to get to work as there were already orders being made.

Mornings in the tavern were calm, the smell of alcohol did not linger in the air as much as it would at noon, instead it smelt like cooked breakfast. That would soon change as time progressed and more peoples' shifts ended.

𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ 𝔇𝔦𝔩𝔲𝔠 𝔵 (𝔉𝔢𝔪) ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯Where stories live. Discover now