🕯Chapter 2🕯

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After saying goodbye to your last customer, you started to mentally prepare yourself for the cleaning you were about to do. People with low alcohol tolerances that come here with friends tend to throw up a lot, and you could already smell it upstairs even though you were at the bar, downstairs.

After gathering yourself together and preparing yourself for this time consuming task, you see Diluc's office door crack open in the corner of your eye. Diluc then walked out of his office of which he'd been in most of the day and looked at you
"Don't worry about the cleaning, I'll get someone else to do it. My patience is not very fond of waiting for you to finish. I want to see you." Diluc explained with his hands intertwined together below his chest.

You both stayed silent for a few seconds, just looking at each other. Diluc then decided to cary on the conversation.
"Let's go to my office, its much more concealed and...well kept" he said, looking at the mess you were going to clean before Diluc had intervened.
"That would be much better. The stench is god awful out here" you said with a slight laugh.

You followed Diluc to his office door, of which he opened for you, welcoming you into his office, the place he spends his time writing letters, filling put files and documents, taking call and such.

There was a desk placed in front of a window with red velvet curtains draped over them. It was candle lit but had..lamp grass..in pots..-?
"Lamp grass?" You questioned "I don't see them being used that often"
Ah, yes, I find they illuminate a room seemingly well nor do I need to turn them on manually. So, I decided to place some around." Diluc answerd as he closed the door behind himself.

Something felt different about Diluc this time you spoke to him. He seemed comforted by your presence as if he'd been looking forward to seeing you.
The thought made you smile but you did not notice that while you were deep in thought, Diluc had gotten closer. He was a few inches away from your face with a concerned look on his face
"Y/n are you alright? You spaced out." He said, putting his hand on your shoulder to keep you from spacing out again.
"Oh, yes, sorry Mastee Diluc I was just lost in thought" you apologised. "What did you want to talk about?" You said, recalling what he said this morning.

"Ah, yes.. that" Diluc started with a hint of nervousness in his voice yet his unchanging expression remaining.
"I..." Diluc said with a sigh.
"Take your time Master Diluc" you said in a comforting tone, putting your hand in his. His hands had scars scattered across them from supposed fights he must've fought in from his past history.
They were surprisingly warm, you guessed it was half because of his vision and half genetics possibly.
"Please, call me Diluc." He said looking into your eyes with an emotion long lost.

"You...make me feel something I've not been able to comprehend. I..." Diluc sighed.

'What...' you thought to yourself. You felt your face get hot. You usually couldn't help but turn red when angry or embarrassed but this time..it was a different feeling; it felt warm and calming. It was the feeling of love.

"Y/n, When I'm around you, butterflies dance around inside me. I notice a smile appearing on my face at the mere sight of you. I really admire you, i do." He revealed. He moved his grip in your hands and cupped your hands with his.

He was so elegant in how he spoke, so polite. His face was that of an angelic character, remarkable velvet red eyes to match his soft, well coiffed red hair.
Trying to describe him exactly is like trying to imagine a new colour, and you realise: some things are to beautiful to make sense of.

A smile appeared on your face which Diluc then reflected
"You never cease to amaze me, Diluc. You don't have to pretend around me."

Once again, moments of silence lingered in the air until Diluc moved his hands, unclasping yours and moving them to your waist and placing them carefully. You match his desire and cupped his face gently with your hands.
As He pulled you closer toward him, your lips joined.

It felt like a half of you that was once begging to be whole, and this made you whole. It was gentle yet passionate and affectionate. It felt natural, as if it was meant to happen. He was destined to be your other half.

𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ 𝔇𝔦𝔩𝔲𝔠 𝔵 (𝔉𝔢𝔪) ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat