🕯Chapter 4🕯

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(This chapter is boring asf)

Upon arriving at the Windrise Tree, you both could see many Windwheel Asters scattered around the land.

"Let's gather these Asters and put them in this bag" you said to Diluc, showing him a sack you had stuffed into one of your coat pockets the night before: preparing for the commission you had been set for morning.

Diluc nodded and headed to the closest few batches of Windwheel Asters and begun to pluck them out of the ground. you followed soon after him to collect the Asters he had plucked, admiring his dedication to your needs.

"I have 4 here" Diluc said, getting up from his position, turning toward you and handing you the Asters.

"Perfect, we only need 6 more and that should be quite easy looking the number of Asters I can see from here." You replied, looking over his shoulder at the other batches you could see behind Diluc.

{After gathering the 10 Windwheel Asters}

"That should be it" you said to Diluc while double checking the number of Asters you two had picked.

"Now, Cecilias." He replied. He seemed almost joyful saying that,

'Maybe he just likes Cecilias' you thought.

Diluc looked around as if he was trying to find someone for a moment. He then looked satisfied at what he saw, or rather, didn't see and took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, leading you to the flowers. Butterflies arose in your stomach; you felt your face get hot and covered your face with your free hand to not feel like you're embarrassing yourself.

Diluc grinned slightly and let out a chuckle, admiring you.


Diluc lead you to Starsnatch Cliff, the view was beautiful: you could see the sea and Stormbearer Mountains in the distance. You then came upon your first Cecilia, which you walked toward, crouched down and plucked.

"We need to tie the bottom of the stem with this string" you said to Diluc while tying the stem of the flower

"Of course. how about you pick 4 and I'll pick 5" He suggested "When we're finished, we can meet up at the top of the cliff, the view is a sight to behold and I'm quite sure you won't be left unimpressed." He mentioned

"Seems like a good plan, we'll do that" You agreed.

You both then went off to go pick your 5 Cecilias.

{Blah blah blah...After that}

You now had all 5 Cecilias so you began to head to the top of the Cliff where you had been told to wait for Diluc.

When you got there, he was already there, sat down with his legs off the edge and his elbows on his thighs, his hands holding each other.

"Diluc" you called out to him. He straightened his posture and turned his head toward you "Sorry if you've been waiting for me for a while" You added, walking next to him and sitting down, crossing your legs.

"It's fine, really. I've just finished tying the stems of these Cecilias, actually" He assured and handed you the flowers so you could put them in a separate sack to the Asters.

"The moon is beautiful" you chimed while putting the Cecilias into the sack carefully, cautious to not break the stem or petals.

"Yes. Its light is luminescent and charming, it reflects off of you so perfectly you look like a work of art that sooths my heart and eyes. It bathes the whole of Teyvat with its silvery light, yet you still glow a warm colour." He affirmed. You hadn't been spoken to with such genial and pleasing words, you felt Flustered and didn't know how to act.

You blinked rapidly as Diluc looked over at you, admiring your face. your face was as red as if you'd eaten a bunch of Jeyun Chillis.

At that moment you were certain that you and Diluc would last.

𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 ~ 𝔇𝔦𝔩𝔲𝔠 𝔵 (𝔉𝔢𝔪) ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant