Potty Mouth Princesses

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A nit-picky one.

Writing a fanfiction on PG-G rated shows is great and all; cartoons, friendly stuff.

Very rarely do things that star on Cartoon Network, Disney etc. contain words that I would hear at my local 'mall' (that's the American word for it, right?) on a Thursday night, when all of the little junior d•ckheads and sl•ts (NOT ALL OF THEM ARE. SOME OF THEM ARE AWESOME) in the ninth grade and below come out to 'play'.

I should point out that I seriously, seriously hate it when kids are at that age of 9-13 and cussing, drinking, trying to party with the big kids, you get me?

I'm 16, and in Australia these idiots are everywhere. Not all of you are bad though! That goes for you, the twelvie reading this who is deeply offended.

Seriously though, you're just kids. You shouldn't be dating teens my age or drinking and drugging it up on a Thursday night before your 8:30 bedtime.

So if you're writing a fanfic of a show, book, movie, etc. that does NOT convey swearing; why put swearwords in it?

I mean sure, everybody swears at some point. I'm sure Batman would like to call the Joker and c•nt, or Ben Ten wants to call Vilgax and f•ckt•rd.

If you're copying lines from the show and chuck an F bomb in the, what's the point? If it's something a character says off screen and they swear, that's fine and all; but seriously, seriously.

As per usual, an example. Let's go with a cute little kid classic.... Tom and Jerry.


When Ginger got home, it was no surprise that her lounge was in ruins. Tom hung from the ceiling fan by his tail, slowly swinging around with a guilty look on his face.

"Tom! You little feline f•cker! Clean this sh•t up right now! I can't believe one a•swipe of a cat can f•ck this much of my sh•t up! Get the f•ck down here now, punk a•s b•tch!"

Tom meows softly, his owner's words hurting him. It was all that little f•cker Jerry's fault. He'd make sure that c•nt a•s m•thaf•cker gets what is coming to him.

"Useless piece of sh•t!" Ginger yells, kicking him up the a•s.



Poor Tom :3

Swearing is fine. There are millions of books with swearing in them. Ever read Game of Thrones? Yikes...

Still, if you're going to put some swearing it, leave it for the scenes that YOU write, not the scenes the creators wrote.

Then again this is fanfiction. Do whatever you want! The world is your oyster. Now eat it.

Wait, no. That's not right...

Last of all; Kaido, are you guilty of this?

Lol yes fam 24/7

Love you all, stay magical!


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