Part I

29 1 6

I woke up at 6:00am exactly to put on my minuscule amounts of makeup because I'm not like other girls. As I was walking down the stairs I nearly broke my legs on the size of how far my tiny little legs have to go for each step because I'm so petite
I eat half a bite of toast before putting on my 15inch platform converse because I'm too petite and cute to wear normal shoes. I leave for school but I'm not like other girls so I have to drag my bag because I'm so tiny to the bus because I'm not like other girls who have strong muscly boyfriends to drive them. I'm pure and innocent.
When I get to school I see a girl who used to be pregnant and walk up to her with a broken heart.
'U..Um.... Excuse me...'
She turns to look at me but I'm too small for her to see me so she pulls out the magnifying glass all students were given when I enrolled into the school.
'U..uh......' I stammer. 'Wwhere did the baby g..go?' I enquire.
She flicks me with her finger and so I go flying because I'm so diminutive and it takes me so long to get back to the school campus-and that's when I see ✨him✨.

Shell-like organ of hearing 🎶 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ