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Donghyuck had a relatively good life. He had a caring boyfriend, supportive friends, and even the best parents he could ask for. His parents had a above average income rate so he had grew up with whatever he wanted. He had always had a positive aspect on life so he didn't expect the worst day of his life to come so fast.

It was a little before summer would end and Donghyuck's boyfriend mark had took the younger on a date. Now they were at a park down the street from the younger's house. "I love you hyung, this day was really fun." Donghyuck smiled as he turned in front of the older and planted a kiss on his lips. Mark gave him a small smile in return. "I love you too sunshine...." Mark said

"Why do you sound sad?" Donghyuck chuckled a bit as if he was taking it as a joke but when he saw mark with a frown he became confused. "What's wrong Minhyung? You know you can talk to me." Donghyuck said and cupped marks face with one hand as he stared up into the olders eyes. Mark leaned into his touch, usually he loved when the younger used his real name, as he was the only one allowed to use it and Donghyuck usually used his name when was angry or sad but when he used it in such a loving way it always made marks heart flip.

He held onto the younger's hand a little longer before saying. "I think we should break up." Donghyuck immediately dropped his hand. "What?" Donghyuck asked with furrowed brows. "I.....I think we should break up..." mark stated again and he could already see how tears filled up the younger's orbs.

"I don't  understand...is it because of you going to college? We talked about this... you promised me we'd be okay!" Donghyuck exclaimed with tears. "How can you stand up here and tell me you love me when you planned to break up with me!" Donghyuck cried out and hit marks chest repeatedly, mark let him do that as he knew he probably needed it  but then he grabbed Donghyuck's hands and pulled him into a hug.

Surprisingly Donghyuck didn't fight it, he snuggled his face into marks chest as he sobbed. Mark always knew how to calm him down and that's what made Donghyuck cry more. Mark himself hated seeing the younger like this and even let a few tears of his own fall. When he only heard sniffles he knew Donghyuck stopped crying. "I'm sorry sunshine..."mark mumbled.

"Please.... don't call me that." Donghyuck said with his voice breaking with every word. Donghyuck removed himself from the olders hold. He looked mark in the eyes for a bit like he was hoping for mark to say this was all some weird joke but mark only stood there and so Donghyuck walked away without another word.

Donghyuck remembered locking himself in his room that day and not answering to no one. He had buried himself in his bed with marks hoodie on and cried. He and mark had only been together for a year but he cherished all their memories mark was his first for
Like everything so he would never lforget this.

On day 3 he finally decided he couldn't just not eat but when he opened his bedroom door his mom was waiting right there. She frowned seeing her sons state and hugged him. Donghyuck cried again and told her everything because it hurt too much to keep it in. His mom understood and after she made him eat she sat
With him until he fell asleep. She had ordered Donghyuck's little brother and dad to not bother him for the time being.

When school started Donghyuck couldn't avoid his friends, by now they all knew since many were mutual friends with mark as well. At first Donghyuck fell into a loop hole of waking up, going to school, homework, go home and then sleep he did that for a month before his friends couldn't take it and did everything in their power to bring Donghyuck back. In the end they succeeded but they knew a piece of Donghyuck would always be hurt.

By graduation donghyuck was back to normal  and now preparing his own time to go to college. He hid all marks stuff behind his closet and completely chose to ignore his existence.

We meet again-MarkHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now