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A blush quickly covered the younger's face. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here!" Donghyuck squealed and closed the door. Mark was in disbelief, what are the odds that he'd be sharing his bathroom with his ex. Mark shook his head as he knew this was gonna be a long year.

Donghyuck however heartbeat sped up. He couldn't believe his luck as he threw himself on his bed. As he laid down he notice the bathroom light go off and heard marks door close. Donghyuck decided to just go to sleep and think more about it later.

When he woke up the next time was at 10am, he had an orientation to go to still as he'd be starting class tomorrow. Donghyuck got up and knocked on the bathroom door, seeing that no one answered he had went inside. He had his own cabinet with his stuff so he got his toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed his teeth along with washing his face after.

Donghyuck went back to his room and put on black tights, beige crewneck with a sunflower and put on white converse. He decided to part his hair in the middle and wouldn't do any make up. He texted his friends to see if they could meet up before the orientation. They decided to all meet at the center of the dorm buildings where there were benches.

Donghyuck grabbed his phone, car keys, keycard and his mini book bag before leaving his room. When the elevator opened it revealed Mark standing in it on his phone, seemingly came from the gym as that was the clothes he was wearing and he was sweating. The older looked up seeing the younger  who had red ears. Mark awkwardly left the elevator and Donghyuck went in taking it to the first floor.

When he got out he walked all the way to the center which was a good 3 minute walk and waited there. He saw Renjun sitting on a bench waiting. "Hyung! Where's the other two?" Donghyuck asked. "They'll probably come together I heard they share a bathroom." Renjun shrugged. "Speaking of sharing bathrooms-" Donghyuck was cut off by Jeno and Jaemin's arrival. "Yah, surprising to see you with no head ache." Jeno chuckled and Donghyuck rolled his eyes.

The four started walking to where the orientation would be taken place which happen to be the assembly area. "You guys will never believe what happened." Donghyuck said catching their attention, Jeno snickered because mark had texted him the same thing but he hadn't had the chance to talk about it. "What do you mean?" Jaemin raised his eyebrow. "So I left Jaehyun's house at like 3am and went back to the dorms, I see the light of my bathroom on and I guessed I left it on. When I open the door to turn it off there's Mark standing there shirtless." Donghyuck faced showed disgust.

The three stopped walking with widened eyes. So this is what mark was probably going to tell him, jeno thought. "Donghyuck." Renjun said in a serious tone. "Be civil." Donghyuck frowned at that. "I'll be civil! It's him who won't, why would he? because the way he broke up with me, there was nothing civil about that." Donghyuck growled as he continue walking. The three looked at each other with concerning eyes before catching up with the tan male.

"Okay we just mean don't let your emotions get the best of you...you're finally in a good place and you shouldn't ruin that." Jeno reasoned. "You're right....so with that being said I kissed mark at the party." Donghyuck confessed. "What?!" The three said in unison. "Oh this is the assembly area let's go!" Donghyuck said as they arrived at the building and went inside.

"Boy...what're we gonna do with him." Jeno shook his head as the three followed behind the tan male. They all found seats and just listened to what had to be said.

They basically were just taught about the dining hall and food delivery app, the school and the classes, extracurriculars and letting them know they could get tours after orientation if that'd help with finding their classes. Donghyuck of course was actually grateful for this and asked to be put in a group for touring. You got toured by higher ups based on your surname so after the assembly ended Donghyuck and Jeno walked where the Lee/L surname would be.

We meet again-MarkHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now