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Donghyuck decided to stay in for the day and do whatever little homework he had to do. The only one he didn't finish was the one he had to do with mark. Donghyuck's gaze fell to his bathroom door that was connected with marks. "Well there is always tomorrow..." Donghyuck mumbled. Donghyuck didn't feel like confronting the older.

Mark wasn't even home at the moment. Currently he was redressing himself after having sex with Yuta. Yuta was laying in bed watching mark get dressed. "Don't you want to stay over? My roommate is staying at his girlfriends house...we can do it anywhere you want..." Yuta bit his lip at the younger. "Nah I'm good..it's late and I have work to get done." Mark said. "I'm going now." Mark told before leaving the room and eventually getting out of the olders dorm.

He didn't really plan on doing anything with Yuta but he was in the area after getting back from his paid writing internship. He truly loved the place since it was more as a writing studio. It had different departments depending on the writing you do and let you publish. It payed a good bit depending on your rank. It wasn't a crazy big company but it was big enough and mark was close with his department leader. He's actually been helping the younger in the process of making a book, though it wasn't going anywhere for the moment as mark was stuck on a idea.

Anyways mark drove himself back to his own dorms. Mark ordered himself a meal as he hadn't ate since earlier. It didn't take long to arrive so he parked and took the elevator to his floor. He went into his own room. He went into his bathroom and took a quick shower just incase Donghyuck needed to use it. Now in his new clothing he sat his desk opening his laptop, getting started on his work until there was a knock on his door. He got his food from the delivery person and ate as he did his work. As soon as he finished what he could he went to sleep.

Donghyuck was happy his class today was at 11am. Waking up an hour and a half before allowed him to get ready and eat breakfast peacefully, though he realized he may be spending a lot on food so he should definitely stock up and maybe get a job. He made a mental note to look at the internship his mom sent. Donghyuck was dressed in a cropped purple sweater and ripped black jeans wearing indigo haze dunks. He walked out his room with his bag.

Seeing the elevator about to close he shouted for the person to keep it open as he did a slight jog. The person did so and Donghyuck got into the elevator finally seeing it was mark who held it for him. Mark looked the younger up and down, finding his outfit pleasing. Donghyuck also checked marks outfit out seeing him wear a white button up with his sleeves rolled up, denim and black patched jeans with white air forces, aswell as a backwards cap and his glasses. It was safe to say he looked very good

Mark cleared his throat making Donghyuck turn from looking at him and blushed. "Uh hey...let's finish the assignment today?" Donghyuck suggested. "Uh yeah. I have an internship but after I'm free..." mark stated and Donghyuck hummed. An awkward silence took over the two until they got out the elevator and split ways. Donghyuck found Renjun and immediately snuck up on him kissing his cheek which made him almost hit the younger. "You're lucky I don't hit you." Renjun threatened. "That would hurt hyung." Donghyuck whined. "That's the point." Renjun huffed.

Jeno and Jaemin came out of their dorm meeting up with the other two. "Can't believe we got a class with us all in it." Jaemin exclaimed. "Just great since I'll be doing all the work I guess." Donghyuck huffed as they started walking. "Good that you already know." Jeno patted his back making everyone laugh. They walked all the way to the science building with small talk. When arriving to the class Donghyuck was relieved to not find out he didn't share it with a certain someone.

The four sat at a table all together and Donghyuck sat in between Renjun and Jeno. "How's art going?" Donghyuck asked Renjun. "Well we have a portfolio that due at the end of the month with at least 20 pieces of our works." Renjun sighed. "Well if anyone can do it, its you!" Donghyuck cheered wrapping his arms around the older. Renjun just let him be as he enjoyed the comfort. When their teacher came Donghyuck popped up getting ready for any work they had.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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