Chapter Three

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The rest of the day was disappointing, to say the least. Ash had no leads to go from and after the matchmaker gave him no help, he felt lost as to where to start. And while he could confide in Amelia, she wasn't helpful either. If only Ash knew what Tristan was looking for. At least if he knew what his needs were he would be able to find a replacement much faster.

At least he'd managed to get some paper and a beautiful pen to write his mother with. Now all he needed to do was summarize his situation in a way that wouldn't have his mother hopping on a train to come and get him. She was too ill to travel right now. If Gregory even got the medicine to her in time. Ash hated the idea of not knowing anything about his mother's current condition.

As he finished writing up his letter by hand, Ash looked it over with a careful gaze. It was hard to tell his mother of his situation but remain vague beyond belief. If he told her that he was engaged to a stranger after making a deal with a fae to save her life; it would probably send her into an earlier grave! Ash knew he couldn't tell her everything. And it killed him to leave details out, but it was a necessary evil he would have to partake in.

All he needed now was an envelope and a stamp to make it back home. Closing the door to his room with a soft click, Ash walked down the hall until he came to Tristan's door. He was about to knock when he heard the alpha quietly from the room across the hall. It must be his office...

He approached the door as it was ajar before peaking into the room. Tristan was on a phone device that he held up to his ear. Ash knew he shouldn't eavesdrop, but the thought that this could help his cause so as to not go amiss,

"And you're sure he's what I need? I inspected him after you left, but I have my doubts." Tristan said into the microphone piece. Ash expected to only hear half the conversation, but if he strained hard enough, he could hear Gregory's voice through the other speaker.

"I am sure. I knew from the moment I caught his pheromones.."

Ash pulled away from the door with a shocked expression, his hand covering his mouth to stop from making any sound. Did they know what he was? Was he here because he was a unicorn? Ash didn't know what to say. It should be obvious that there was something suspicious going on. Even though he now had an idea as to what Tristan was looking for, it didn't make finding the proper replacement candidate easier. He couldn't smell the difference in pheromones and most people kept them in check. It also wasn't proper to go around asking people if they were a unicorn. The number of odd looks he would receive made his determination questionable.

However, Ash moved back toward the door to try to listen further but it creaked then as his hand absently pushed against the wooden frame. Tristan's attention was brought out of the call and he started to narrow his eyes once more.

"I will discuss with you further, Gregory, when we don't have an audience," he said before hanging up the microphone on the receiver. Tristan didn't look pleased as he called out to Ash.

"Come in, before I rescind my offer."

Ash stepped into the office and saw all the books on the shelves behind Tristan who now stood behind his desk. His eyes felt cold as he gestured for Ash to sit.

"I was going to ask for an envelope and a stamp. I wasn't trying to snoop, I swear!" Ash blurted out. It was clear that the awkwardness in the air could be cut with a knife. Its tangibility was so strong that it had Ash sweating. What would Tristan do to him? Would he be punished?

Tristan pinched the bridge of his nose and placed the other hand on his hip. He looked handsome today, something Ash hadn't noticed until now. He wore a rich purple coat with a pale grey undershirt. The rich jewel tone of the purple—almost plum—coat made his eyes pop in color. This was only more effective in his disdain for eavesdropping.

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