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      14 years ago in the great city of Caecilia King Arak and Queen Junta wanted a child, an heir to the throne. Every day they prayed to the guardian for a child, after three months the Guardian responded to their prayers and asked one simple question.

"What do you desire?"

"What do we desire?" Arak asked, "a child, someone to carry on our legacy."

"that I understand. But who do you wish your child to be?" sunlight ripple through the panes of the Cathedral windows as the guardian spoke.

"Do you want them to be powerful, unwavering and determined?" The light grew warm and red, like the fire from a volcano.

"Or cunning, and smart? always knowing what move to make," the room turned green, reflecting speckled light like sun from between trees.

"Maybe loyal, someone who you can always put your trust in." The light shifted again, Glittering blue igniting through the room, dazzling the king and queen.

"We wish for our child to be all," Junta said. "Brave, smart and trustworthy, all of these are important when you rule."

The guardian gently laughed, shaking the ground below them.

"Believe me, I understand that better than most. But If a ruler had all these traits, what would be the use of advisors, or Generals? To be a great leader you must know where your weaknesses lie, and know when you are not suited for a task."

Arak and Junta sat in silence, the light glittering in three bright colours all around them.

"You must only choose one." The ancient being said. "What will matter most to you?"

The two looked at each other, a silent conversation passed between them.

"Heart." they spoke in unison. "Our child will have heart, they will care for those around them."

"This is your final decision?"

The king and queen nodded

"Very well."

The blue Hues grew stronger, almost blinding, a deep voice echoed through the air speaking in an ancient language. then, silence.

The room was quiet, the light seemed to fade returning to normal as the guardians presence faded.

Many moons passed since they met with the guardian, those months were filled with great joy and celebration, love and warmth filled the streets as the kingdom awaited the arrival of the royal baby. Princess Anne was born on a warm evening, and the party only grew. The kingdom celebrated for seven days, but on the eve of the eighth day tragedy struck. As the celebration roared outside, an assassin entered the castle. as they crept through the grand hall towards the royal bedroom, they passed the princesses room. The door was slightly open and a soft voice came from within, the assassin peered through the gap, watching as the king held his daughter humming a lullaby to her. no guards, no side doors, no means of escape. They continued through the door, as the king lowered the sleeping child into her crib. Unsheathing the nightshade coated blade and pushing the door closed behind them, the assassin ran forward, weapon raised.


Arak's limp body fell to the floor, blood gushing from his stomach. from her cradle Anne wailed alerting anyone within earshot of danger. the assassin turned toward the seven day old girl, knowing what needed to be done. but they couldn't do it. They lifted the baby, gazing toward the window they heard the thundering footsteps of guards moving towards the room. with mere seconds to spare the assassin ran for the window and leapt into the garden below, still holding the princess in their arms.

The was king on his deathbed, With help from the high mage the healers were able to keep him alive, barely. days of searching for the princess turned to years. The best scholars searched for what could save the king, when 13 years later the assistant to the high mage found a cure. Three stones were said to contain great abilities.

"If these stones exist they can save his life," the young scholar said "I've done the research, I know where to find them!"

Junta sat at her throne staring into the distance.

"Are you sure this will work?"


"Very well. you shall lead a team to find them." Junta ordered
In the corner the youngest of general Grimes lieutenants spoke up.

"I volunteer." She stepped forward. "Marcy and I can do this. a larger party may be risky."

"Of course," Junta said. "You will leave tomorrow morning."

The Crown, The Elixir, The Sword (on hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora