The Story Begins

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The morning sun rose, shielded by the passing storm clouds. Anne had woken up early and was sitting out on the back porch. She watched as a puddle turned into a pond from the rain water, and white birds chased each other around the sky. Shadows drifted across the fields, shepherding herds of deer through the grass. Behind her, the door opened.

"Hey Anne, are you hungry?" Sprig asked.

Anne turned, and looked at him. Sprig froze when he saw her. Her eyes were puffy and red, tear marks streaked down her face.

"Oh, um.. is everything alright?" Sprig sat next to her.

Anne looked back down at the puddle, wiping her eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as she tried to speak.

"It's just- it's dumb."

"If it's about what happened yesterday you're allowed to be upset," Sprig said. "I mean, two strangers showed up at our house, and cut your party short."

Anne shook her head.

"It's not right, I feel selfish. They needed a place to sleep for the night, and I'm upset," Anne said, her voice trembling. "Plus, they told me about their quest and I- I want to go with them."

The two kids made eye contact as a long silent minute passed. Sprig looked down at the murky water.

"I know Hop Pop is strict about rules and stuff but," he paused. "Is it really that bad, to make you want to leave?"

"What?!" Anne shouted, "Of course not!"

"Then why do you want to go?" Sprig asked.

"I-" Anne froze. "I don't really know, I guess- I just want to learn more about the world."

"Fair point," Sprig said, still watching the water. "But Hop Pop won't let you go, we both know that."

Anne set her eyes back across the field.

"It's worth a shot," she said with determination.

The two filed inside, where Hop Pop and Polly were sitting around the table as the two girls cleaned up after breakfast. Anne checked her reflection in the window, making sure her face was no longer red. Then she walked over to the table.

"Hop Pop, can I talk to you about something?"

Hopediah looked toward Sprig then turned to Anne and nodded, and followed her out of the room.

"Hop Pop, I was thinking," Anne started. "Now that I'm thirteen- I mean, I think I'm old enough to-"

"Anne, you aren't leaving the village. You aren't old enough, and you definitely aren't mature enough."

"Well if you let me leave the village, I would be 'mature enough'." Anne retorted.

"Anne, we can talk about this later." Hopediah said, attempting to diffuse her anger.

"No!" Anne shouted, stealing attention from the other room.

"Anne!" Hopediah raised his voice, "why are you being so rude?"

"Because I'm tired of being cooped up in this stupid small town." Anne's voice became tense. "Every day, my whole life, it's been weeding and working the stand. Cleaning Bessie's stable!"

The others peered through the doorway.

"I want more!" Anne took a deep breath. "I want to learn how to fight, I want to learn magic! I want to be more than just a simple farmer!"

The entire house became quiet, Hopediah stared at the girl.

"This family raised you from an infant, we found you and took you in. And this is how you respond?" Hop Pop sighed "If it's really that bad, you are free to go."

Then Hopediah walked past the girl, and back into the kitchen.

Anne sat on the floor of her room, she was stuffing some of her belongings into a bag muttering to herself. Marcy opened the hatch door and came into the room. She sat down next to Anne.

"Are you okay?" She asked, handing a shirt to Anne.

"I'm fine." Anne responded bluntly.

"Oh, Um okay," Marcy looked away nervously. "Did you ask to leave the village because you wanted to come along with Sasha and I?"

Anne looked up at the dark haired girl. Until now she hadn't really looked at Marcy, her black hair was cut short, reaching barely passed her ears. She had caramel brown eyes, with bright flecks of green glittering in the sun. Her olive skin looked soft. Annes chest suddenly tightened, her breath catching in her throat, warmth crept up her face. Anne snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, I guess," She started, averting her gaze. "What you told me about that quest, it sounded cool."

Marcy smiled, Anne blushed harder. She was glad her skin was dark enough to hide it.

"After you went downstairs I talked to Sash and she said you are free to join," Marcy explained. "but you will have to learn."

Anne looked back at Marcy,


She nodded. Anne closed her bag and slung it over her shoulder, leading Marcy up the stairs.

The three girls stood outside the house, Sprig and Polly joined them. Anne looked toward the house, silently hoping Hop Pop would come to say goodbye.

"I don't think he's going to come out." Polly said.

Sprig nodded, holding on to Bessies bridle.

"He doesn't think you should go, but he said you might as well take Bessie."

The pale chestnut horse whinnied, stomping her feet in anticipation. Anne patted the mare in the snout then strapped her bag to the saddle. She took the bridle from the young boy and gave him a big hug. Anne leaned down and hugged Polly.

"I'll see you guys soon." She promised

Anne looked at the house once more.

"And," She started. "Tell Hop Pop, I'm sorry, but I need to do this."

The two kids nodded as Anne mounted the horse. She looked at Sasha and Marcy, before spurring Bessie forward and followed them out of the farm.

* Author's Note: Hey guys! sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, because of holidays I got really busy and was unable to sit down and write. I might go on a short hiatus to get a backflow of chapter written. Anyway, thank you so much for reading!

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