The Gift

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The heat buzzed in Sasha's ears, Anne and Marcy muttering across the room. The heat grew more and more intense with every passing moment. Her sword rested in her hands, and she stared at it, feeling the metal warm. The sword had been given to her by Captain Grime not too long ago.


Sasha was standing in front of the queen, next to her was captain Grime. He was barely five feet tall. The man was bald with tanned skin and toned muscles from years of fighting. His face was wrinkled, a scar stretched from his chin to his forehead, the scar crossed his eye making him partially blind. The captain wore a maroon chest plate that matched his boots. his pants were a burnt brown with dark greaves and knee-pads, all of his armour was gilded with gold.

The young girl looked up to the man, her hands crossed in front of her. Grime stared down at her with his one eye.

"It's come to my attention that you have been causing trouble for our royal guard," Junta said. Her crown glittered in the light.

"She has been interrupting our drills all week," Grime informed her. "The girl must be punished accordingly."

"I just wanted to join, I wasn't trying to interrupt!" Sasha defended herself.

"Sweetheart," Junta chided. "You can't join the trainees."

"Why not?" she demanded

"You are too young," the queen responded. Despair crept into her voice.

"No I'm not!" Sasha retorted. "I am just as strong as them! Give me a chance!"

Junta studied the young girl, as if she was considering this.

"Your highness, you can't possibly think this is a good idea. The guard is dangerous, it is no place for a child."

Junta watched Sasha with intensity. The blond fidgeted under the queen's gaze, she shuffled her feet and stared at the ground. Junta seemed to be peering into the girl's soul. Then she spoke up.

"Captain Grime," she addressed. "As you may be aware, the girl's parents have left her in the care of the castle while they are running their trading company. under these circumstances, I believe it will do her some good to learn from your soldiers."

"My queen," Grime objected. "I do not think-"

"Captain!" Junta cut in, "These are my orders, you will do well to not complain."

"As you wish," Captain Grime grumbled.

Over the years, Sasha trained alongside the captain. He taught her how to wield a sword, and how to get under people's guards. She grew up to be one of the strongest fighters in the royal guard. Eventually she rose through the ranks, and when she was thirteen, she was made lieutenant.

Everyone in the guard was sitting around tables in the main hall. At the front of the room, Captain Grime stood and addressed the company.

"Attention!" he called. "I have something I would like to say."

The crowd settled, and everyone listened closely, tension filled the room. Everyone waited to hear what the captain would say.

"It was nine years ago today, a special recruit joined our ranks."

Grime rested his hand on Sasha's shoulder, who sat next to him.

"And since then, she has become one of our most exceptional warriors. So I've decided it is time to give her the recognition she deserves."

Grime looked down toward the girl. Then he pulled an ornate box out from under the table.

"If you will, Sasha Waybright, I offer you the position of lieutenant, my second in command."

Then he handed her the box.

"Take this gift, as a symbol of your status. Carry it with pride."

Sasha opened the box, revealing an elegant blue sword. The blade was just under a metre long, and glinted blue in the candle light. The crossguard was carved to the wings of a bird. The hilt was wrapped in a deep sea green cloth and a similarly coloured gem rested at the base. Next to the sword, was a deep blue scabbard, in the leather her name was written. Sasha wrapped her hand around the hilt of the sword and lifted it. The blade was perfectly balanced. She looked up at her captain.

"I accept."


Sasha stared down at her sword, thinking about what Grime had said that day. Carry it with pride. How could she do that? It was her fault the journey was taking so long. If the king died because they were too late, it would be her fault.

"Sasha?" Marcy called.

She didn't notice. Her hand tightened around the hilt. Marcy called again. Sasha pinched her eyes shut, to stop the tears from falling.

"Sasha!" Marcy shouted.

Sasha jumped and turned towards her friend. Marcy was holding her journal open to a page scribbled with a bunch of different symbols.

"I think I've figured out what the sign says." Marcy spoke hesitantly, glancing between Sasha and the floor in front of her.

"Well," Sasha said, wiping her eyes, "what does it say?"

Marcy turned and stepped toward the door. Anne and Sasha moved and stood on either side of her.

"Let's see, it says," Marcy started. "Only those who are worthy may enter and learn where true strength comes from."

The three girls stood in front of the door. The ground shook beneath them as the hinges creaked and the door slowly swung inward, revealing a large open room. Heat blasted them, making their eyes burn.

"I guess this is the first temple..." Marcy said.

"Well," Sasha added encouragingly. "Let's get this over with."

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