Justice, not Vengence

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Rain, moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops. But now, the rain poured as the funeral of Bruce Wayne (AKA Batman) began. Heroes from all over, came to see their friend, including: All Might (Hero Form), Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead), Present Mic (Yamada Hizashi), Midnight (Kayama Nemuri), and Mt.Lady (Takeyama Yū). Richard walked up the hill, with an umbrella in hand and stared at the casket, which held his father's body. Alfred soon walked next to him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

Everyone had multiple reactions to the lost hero. Some cried over their friend and some were frustrated over not being there to help him. Richard soon walked away from the casket and left the funeral entirely. 

He walked around the city in deep thought of everything that happened.

Richard: (Thoughts) Maybe if I was there, maybe I could'v-

Woman: Somebody help me!

Richard looks into an alley and a sees woman getting attacked in an alley by a group of thugs.

Thug: Come on, lady hand it over!

Woman: Get away from me!

Richard walks into the alley very slowly and soon confronts them.

Richard: Hey! (The thugs and woman look at him.) Back off.

Thug: (Looks at the kid and starts laughing) Hey, I know you, you're Bruce Wayne's kid! Heard about what happened to your dad-

Richard clenches his fists in anger over thugs laughing at his father.

Thug: -and let me just say that, in all honestly......it was bound to happen at some point. (Laughs more with his thug friends.)


(Kenny is Richard)

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(Kenny is Richard)

The thug looks at Richard in shock, before looking at the other thugs. 

Thug: Get him!

(The thugs surround and begin to try and attack Richard, but the latter is prepared for that.)

(Richard is the blue ranger)

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(Richard is the blue ranger)

The main thug leader looked at his fallen followers and then to Richard, who was still standing up, without a bruise on his face. 

Thug: Aah! (Runs away)

Richard looks to cowardly thug, runs at him, tackles him, and starts beating him senseless.

Richard: (Grunting in anger with each punch) 

Richard's fists then soon become bloody, but he soon stops and looks down at the now beaten thug. He was about to punch again, but he soon stopped himself as he remembered his father's words.

"Justice, not vengeance."

Richard looks down at the beaten criminal, but soon gets up off him. And walked away without saying any word to the woman the thugs were going to rob. 


Richard soon arrived back at the belfry. The Belfry was a place his father bought in the case of Wayne Manor ever getting destroyed. It was also used as a quick base of operations if he ever was in the city.  After entering oh, Richard looks around at all the gear in the room. His eyes finally fell upon a memorial to his father, the Batman.

He walks over to it, looks at the broken bat mask, and only has four words to say -

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He walks over to it, looks at the broken bat mask, and only has four words to say -

Richard: I got this Dad.

He walked away from the memorial, and got to work. He starts drawing up designs for his weapons and future hero suits. And finally he stepped in front of a dummy and begins to train -

  And finally he stepped in front of a dummy and begins to train -

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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